Chapter 12

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Aaron's POV:

I heard a bang from the barn and the whole team and I run to that direction and I froze in the spot I was at seeing Y/N on the ground her side bleeding JJ runs to her and holds her side "Y/N your gonna be ok its gonna be ok girl." JJ kept saying stuff while I just stood there then I see our unsub and run to him with my gun in the direction "Aaron!" I heard Morgan and run after me and I tackle Henry and kept punching him till Morgan pulled me off of him and cuffed him and I ran to Y/N "baby its gonna be ok" She coughs some blood "Aaron it will be ok..." she smiles a little and I start crying then I hear sirens "you hear that baby its help" I rubbed her head gently and cradles her then she passed out "Y/N?!"

Time Skip

Y/N's POV:

I slowly wake up and look around "ugh..." I groan in pain and next thing I know everyone hugs me and I smile but Aaron was by the door has his arms crossed "Aaron what's wrong.." JJ looks down guilty and I look at her "you told him JJ I told you not to tell anyone" JJ looks away "I'm sorry Y/N but they had to know so the doctors knew what they had to do." I looked down guilty "Aaron I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." Aaron raised his hand to silent me "everyone out now" everyone pat my shoulder and left Aaron walks to me "you couldn't tell me why?!" I look down "baby I was going too...after the case.." he sighs and rubs my head "ok Y/N I'm sorry I overreacted but you can't be careless" I look down and nod "yes sir..."

Aaron's POV:

I take Y/N home "go rest" I push her to the room "but the boys need dinner" I kiss her deeply "ill make dinner go before your stiches open" Y/N sighs annoyed and go get a shower and Jack runs to me "daddy" he smiles when I picked him up "where's mommy?" he looks around "she's in the shower she got hurt so no climbing on her you little monkey" he starts laughing after I tickle him and Tony waddles to me "dada" he smiles and I picked him up and kiss his cheek

Y/N's POV:

I walked out for dinner "mama!" I hear Tony and I smile and kiss his cheek then kiss Jack's cheek "mommy you ok daddy said you got hurt" I rubbed his head "im fine baby I promise" Jack smiles and hug me and we all sit down and ate dinner


Still Y/N's POV:

I walked in the BAU and go to my desk wincing a little holding my side and sigh then start doing paperwork "what do you think your doing little mama" I sigh annoyed and turned towards Derek "hey D I was just doing some paperwork" I smile "does Aaron know your here" I look away and I hear Derek sigh "N/N you got shot you need to be home to recover" I groan "im fine" I snapped at him and turns back to my desk and start working.

Aaron's POV:

I walked in the BAU and saw Y/N I sighed annoyed and walked to my office and Morgan walked to me "your not gonna say anything to her?" I looked at him "you want to deal with a women who is pregnant and her hormones are everywhere because I don't." Morgan laughs "your scared of little mama she cant be that bad" I looked at him "ok try this I kissed her head this morning and she hit me with a pillow" Morgan gasped "damn feisty" I nod and look down "but she also been having nightmares for awhile but she doesn't want to go to therapy..." Derek nods and goes to his desk while I watch Y/N.\

Ok im gonna stop it here I know the ending sucks but I think that's enough for it love you all

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