Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV:
I was reading a book sitting on my couch but i wasnt paying attention to the book i was thinking about Aaron its been a couple months since i joined the team and it was amazing tomorrow is my birthday i really dont want to do anything for it but i know my team and they will make me celebrate "ughhhh...why?...." i groan but went to bed.

The next day

Aaron's POV:
Today is Y/N's birthday and the team and i set up everything and i see her walk in so i go up to her "ms. L/N i just want to say happy birthday" she looks at me and smiled then walked to her desk and sit down i walk to her "Y/n come with me to the briefing room" she looks up at me "sir i dont really want to go i know theres a surprise party because you forgot to close the blinds" she points behind me and i turn around and the blinds are open and you can see everything "shit....." i turned and faced Y/N and smile a little "oh come on villians are taking a break today" she rolls her eyes and took out files "no thanks i got to do this" she starts doing paperwork and i walk away

Y/N's POV:
i sigh 'finally...' i thought and continue to do my paperwork then everyone comes to be and wished me a happy birthday then we get called on a case and i couldnt be any happy about it and we get on the jet and i get a call "hello?" i answered it then next thing i know like a million people screaming "happy birthday!" to me making me pull my phone back "god you guys trying to ruin my hearing..." i giggle "i got to go guys love you" i hang up and look out the window smiling softly.

No one's POV:
the case went well Y/N went out with the team to a nice dinner at the end of the night the team gave Y/N gifts

Y/N's POV:
i smile at all the gifts then someone poke me and i look behind me and found Aaron "Aaron shouldnt you get home to Jack?" he shrugs and gave me a box "ive been trying to give you this all day" he said and i opend it and there was necklace and i smile "its beautiful Aaron thank you..." i put it on "of course and it looks amazing on you" Aaron said and i blush then Aaron kissed my cheek and left and i just stand there dumbfounded. "what just happened?..."


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