Chapter 48

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"Gong. You see, my adjutant and I made a bet."

'Here we go again.' Lisa thought. Once in a while, Kwiz went on about nonsense.

"It was a bet as to whether or not Gong carries a handkerchief."

Lisa listened silently with an attitude that was close to disregard, but Kwiz was unyielding.

"Knights do not usually carry their handkerchiefs around. But, I mean, Gong is in a grey area. So, I picked that Gong does not carry it around while my adjutant picked that Gong does carry it around."

"What is being bet?"

"If I lose, I will no longer use a phrase that I often use."

Kwiz had a nasty tongue. It was a fact that all his close aides knew. Because Kwiz was ascending the throne and becoming the lord of the country, the adjutant wanted him to fix his manner of speaking so he wouldn't lose face. Until now, no matter what his adjutant said, Kwiz ignored it but as the frequency of nagging increased, it became quite annoying. Then Kwiz got a good idea.

[Make a bet with me. We'll bet one word at a time.]

Rule 1: The content of the bet will be done according to what comes to the mind at that particular moment. Kwiz and the adjutant could take turns in suggesting the content of the bet.

Rule 2: If the adjutant won, Kwiz could not use the inappropriate expression that was being bet afterwards.

Rule 3: In the event of Rule 2 violation, the bet would be deemed as a loss.

Rule 4: If Kwiz won, he could recover an expression that he had been banned from using.

After making a very useless and specific set of rules, Kwiz began the betting game. It was an endless path of repetitions but with the thought that at least something was being done, the adjutant accepted it.

So far, they had made one bet and Kwiz had lost. As a result, Kwiz was blocked from using the expression, 'fuck'.

The Duke of Taran's handkerchief was the second bet. For this bet, the expression 'dead old man' that Kwiz used to refer to the late King was chosen. If Kwiz lost his time, he would have to solemnly refer to the dead old man as the 'late king'.

"So Gong. Tell me. Do you carry a handkerchief around?" (Kwiz)

Lisa alternated glances between Kwiz who had a twinkling gaze like he was facing the problem of a lifetime, and the adjutant whose expression was full of pleas.

Was such a relaxed atmosphere really okay? Lisa was feeling doubtful. For a very short moment, he wondered if he had made a good choice in holding hands with the king.

"I do."

Kwiz was shocked and the adjutant silently cheered. With one word, Lisa dropped one in heaven and the other in hell, but his expression was indifferent.

"No way! There's no way Gong carries around that kind of thing!"

If the bet had been a little while back, the winner of the bet would have been Kwiz. Lisa didn't used to carry around a handkerchief. If the need for one ever came up, he could just order someone to clean it up. But it had been quite a while since hebegan to carry a handkerchief.

"I won't lie for such things." (Lisa)

"How can this be."

Kwiz lamented in regret. His scheme of recovering the lost expression 'fuck' by winning this bet was fruitless, rather now, he had to refer to that damned old man as the 'late king'.

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