Chapter 56

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Joohyun sluggishly rose to the sound of the maid waking her up. It was still dark outside. Yesterday, she told the maid to wake her up before her husband went out.

Joohyun stretched, struggling to get rid of the sleepiness, and came down from the bed. While thinking that he was truly amazing to be able to wake up at the crack of dawn everyday like this, she shook her head back and forth. She washed her face, changed her clothes, and drank a glass of cold water to sober up.

"Is he in his bedroom?" (Joohyun)

"Master is in his office. He plans to leave in about an hour, so the carriage is being prepared." (Jerome)

Joohyun took over the tea tray that Jerome was going to carry to his office.

"I apologize for taking your job as the butler." (Joohyun)

"Not at all, Milady." (Jerome)

According to Jerome, there was no need to knock, and she could just go inside, so Joohyun quietly entered his office.

The air in his office was cool and the smell of antique furniture wafted through the air. There was a large desk located diagonally from the door, and the image of him sitting behind the desk and engrossed in his work came into sight.

Joohyun stopped at a distance where she could see him in greater detail. The only thing that could be heard in the quiet office was the soft sound of pages turning.

The spacious desk was packed with a lot of things as if the tiniest gap could not be tolerated. They weren't scattered randomly instead, the documents and books were lined up and ordered in their own way. The only area on the desk that could be called free space, was the width in front of him which he was using for handling the documents.

It was Joohyun's first time seeing him working. It was also her first time coming to his office with tea in her hands.

When they were in the north, she didn't go into his office because there were a lot of confidential documents in there and she didn't want people to be suspicious of her and think that she was going into his office to see such things. In addition, even without those suspicions, she was afraid that she would disturb his work, so she didn't go anywhere near his office.

The way he looked while concentrating on his work was really cool. Joohyun's heart began to race, and her face grew flushed. She felt too sorry to interrupt him while he was concentrating on his work. She was fine with just standing there and looking at him.

The peacefulness of the calm morning where one could hear the refreshing sound of birds singing far away was also enjoyable.

* * *

Lisa was always sensitive to the signs of people approaching, no matter what he was focused on. The brutal days of his childhood, and his life on the battlefield had taught him to always be alert of his surroundings. He thought it was Jerome coming in as always and didn't pay any more attention to it. He sensed someone coming in but there was no sign of them approaching him. Puzzled, he looked up, and couldn't help but doubt his own eyes. Meeting his eyes, she gave him a shy smile as if she was embarrassed.


It was a difficult time and place to expect to see her. Her figure which was approaching him with a smile was definitely real. Lisa continued to hold his pen and absentmindedly watched her as she place the tea tray on his desk.

"I hope I didn't interrupt you." (Joohyun)

Joohyun lifted the teapot and poured tea into the cup. She took the steaming cup of tea and placed it within his reach.

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