Side Story - Damian - Last Part

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Lisa heaved a sigh when he saw the firm determination in Kwiz's eyes.

'How annoying.'

A high position only gave immense headaches, there was nothing good that came out of it. The fact that he frequently went home late was something he really didn't like. When he got back late, he could only see his daughter's sleeping face while she got prettier every day, he couldn't eat dinner with his wife, couldn't take a walk with his wife, and he was even having a hard time getting some fun at night.

However, being close to the King was definitely convenient. He needed the king's help in order for Damian to take over his position.

"It is not my hobby to work unpaid." (Lisa)

"...Gong. Do you know what kind of position you are sitting in? If this king were to offer the position, there will be a string of people lining up to kiss this king's feet." (Kwiz)

"Then give it to one of those in the line."

Kwiz groaned loudly.

"What do you want? I'm curious if there is anything this king can give you."

"I need a title."

"A title? What are you using that for?"

"I plan to introduce my son to the social circle at this New Year party."

"Hoh. Is your son already that old? How old is he?"

"He will be thirteen soon."

"But what title is given so early? There has never been such a case."

A young successor may inherit a title due to the loss of his father, but such situations were very rare.

"Then this will be a new precedent." (Lisa)

"..." (Kwiz)

"I promised my son that I would help ensure that his succession is unshakable."

"Alright. Alright. I'll begin the process."

"Is it possible to be ready by the New Year party?"

"Do you think titles are made and spat out overnight? There are a lot of procedures to get there."

"Then, Your Majesty can do simply do the conferment ceremony at the New Year party and have the procedures done separately. And while you're at it, please give me another title."

"You want me to give two titles to your son? What's he going to do with two?"

When Joohyun heard that Lisa was going to ask the King to grand Damian a title, she was concerned.

[Damian just made a friend, so I'm worried that his relationship with his friend might become strained if his position suddenly rises.]

Lisa planned to resolve his wife's concerns by giving Damian's friend a title too.

"I would like it to be given to the second son of Marquis Philip."

"Why Marquis Philip all of a sudden?"

"The Marquis' second son is my son's friend."

" because he is Gong's son's friend. In other words, you're going to give him help from behind?"

"In any case, he's the second son of a Marquis so he'll be getting a title someday anyways."

"Look, Gong."

Kwiz massaged his temple. Bestowing a title wasn't something as simple as giving candy to a baby. Granting titles was the King's sole unique right. It was a weapon for the King to use as much as he wished to coax the nobles who loved honor and reputation.

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