This is the only way

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Clem's POV

I found Kenny along with Deacon, but Luke was nowhere to be found. Kenny took out one of Carver's men, but only ended up in getting Walter killed.

Kenny: Walt!

Clem: Oh my god!

Deacon: Told you. You should have expected that.

Carver: *In the distance* That's for our man! Now I didn't wanna do this! But you aint leaving me much choice! So here's what's gonna happen.

Carver: I'm gonna march another one of your friends out here! And I'm gonna put a BULLET in the back of their head! Or you can give up now! Your choice!


Kenny: Mother fucker!


Deacon: What the hell are you doing? Did you not hear what he just said?

He ignores him as I see a different spot to scope them out from.

Clem: Kenny, over there!

But before we could move. We hear a gun being loaded to shoot.

???: Ahh, ahh, ahh. Stay right where the fuck you are. And nobody needs to get hurt or worse.

We all put our hands up.

???: All of you drop all your weapons.

Me and Deacon where about to draw our weapons until Kenny draws his rifle to shoot the guy, but he dodged and got behind a tree as well as all of us did.

Clem: Kenny what the hell are you doing!?

Kenny: I'm saving us from being prisioners!

Deacon: Think about this Kenny! If we don't  give up now they will continue to kill each of your people. One. By. One.

Clem: Think about Sarita. This is the only way Kenny.

Kenny then thinks to himself for a moment. He has a crunched up angered face, but he softens himself as he stands up from behind his tree.

Kenny: We give up! Where setting our weapons down!

We all then proceed to drop all our weapons and walk from behind our trees with our hands up.

???: *Slowly emerges from behind the tree* Well even tho you shot at me, I'll say no harm no foul since nobody was injured. Smart thinking on your part old timer.

Kenny already regretting his decision glares at the young kid.

???: *Pulls out radio* Ayo Bill! I got those thorns in your side in my custody.

(R)=Radio voice

(R)Carver: How many?

???: Three of them.

(R)Carver: Holy shit! Good job Iago!

So Iago is his name.

Iago: Really had to say my name out loud Bill?

(R)Carver: Well I mean shit they know my name, I'm going to know their names, so might as well get introductions out now.

Iago: *Doesent speak into radio* Whatever

(R)Carver: Whatever yourself Iago, I can still see you from here.

He looks over and sees Carver waving at him with a grin on his face.

Iago: Get moving.

We walk over to the Lodge where we are brought to our knees.

Carver: Where's Luke? Finally cut and run hu? Why am I not suprised. I warned you. I warned you not to follow him, now look were he's lead you. But it's fine now. Where going home. As a family.

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