Chapter 58

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<Jack's POV>

All of us were walking through the woods, moping around. We were looking for clues on where Lily could be, but we weren't finding anything.

"Do y'all hear that?" Mylee says suddenly, stopping in her tracks.

We all stop and listen. Then, faintly, I could hear the sound of laughter. I hear a loud snort and immediately straighten up.

"That's Lily's laugh!" I exclaim to the others.

Marshall and Mylee both nod.

"Yeah, I can recognize her hacking anywhere," Mylee says.

We hear a hacking sound of laughter again, and Luke turns to us, confused. "That's her laugh?"

"Yup," Me, Mylee, and Marshall all say in usion.

"Well," I say impatiently, "Let's follow the sound of her laughing!"

<Lily's POV>

"Y-you have a what?" I ask Harold, laughing my drunk ass off.

"A mole the shape of China on my left butt check!" Harold wheezes.

I laugh so hard that tears run down my face. "Okay, okay. Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead, Chicka."

"Why do you say Oooga booga?"

He smiles a drunk smile and gets up. Then, he runs towards me and knocks me off of my chair playfully. "OOOGA BOOGA!"

"Stop!" I screech when he tickles my arm pits.

We both laugh as he continues ticking me. I love being drunk with Harold.

<Jack's POV>

We reach a hut.

"What the hell is that?" Marshall says.

"It looks like some sort of.....fort?" Mylee shrugs.

"It's looks like a hut thingy," Luke says.

We hear screams from inside the hut. I start running towards the hut and use all of my strength to kick the wall down.

Inside, there is a big man on top of Lily. It looks like he is hurting her because she is screaming.

"Lily!" I gasp and run towards them. I pull the man off of Lily, and I start punching him in the face.

"Stop!" Lily screeches. "Jack, stop!"

I stop punching the man in the face, and I take a good look at him.

"Harold?" I say at the same time he says, "My wall!"


I laughed out loud on my bus while writing this and a bunch a people looked at me weird.

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