Chapter 66

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<Jack's POV>

"Happy birthday!"

Lily, Marshall, Mylee, and Luke scream and hug me. I just entered my house, and I am surprised by this. Decorations were everywhere, and there was a big fat cake on my kitchen counter.

"Okay, what the hell," I manage to say as I look around my house.

Luke slaps me on the back. "Happy birthday, man."

Marshall does the same. "You're so old, dude!"

"I'm only sixteen," I mumble.

Lily pulls me into a hug. "Happy birthday, Jack."

I hug her tight and sniff her hair. She smelled like champagne toast, and the scent was driving me insane. She pulls back and points to a poster. "You like the decoration?"

I stare at the poster she was pointing at. It said: Happy birthday Jackie Poo!

"Oh. Um, yes, I like it." I clear my throat. "Did you do all this?"

"I helped," Mylee interrupts, "Don't give her all of the credit."

I laugh and wrap an arm around Lily. It has only been one day since Sam was struck my lightening and died. His funeral was supposed to be next Tuesday, and I was planning on going. Even though Sam was a total dickhead, he was still my friend. And a part of me felt horrible when he died.

"Are you okay, Jack?" Lily's whispering pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say with a clenched jaw, "I'm fine."

"Good." She smiles. "Because me and you are going to go and eat a Carlos Cantina!"

I manage to smile back at her. "Perfect."

She practically drags me to my car, and once I'm in, I start driving with her in the passenger seat.

I try to focus on driving, but my mind is focused on Sam. We were friends since 5th grade. We had so many memories together. Especially in basketball. Now he's dead and I still can't fathom it. One of my closest friends is dead. And he died when we hated each other.

That's the worst part. Knowing he died without us being friendly to each other. Now we can never make up. We can never be friends again.

I pull up to Carlos Cantina and get out of the car. Lily takes my hand and leads me inside. Her warm fingers around mine is the only thing keeping me sane.

We get seated at a table and the waiter brings us some chips. I don't eat them because my stomach is tied into a knot.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lily asks me from across the table.

I nod and she frowns. "Jack, I know this is about Sam. I know that you guys were friends, and you're mourning over his death."

I start to panic a little. "No," I say, my hands crushing a chip, "I'm not mourning."

She takes the now crushed chip out of my hand. "Okay. Easy, there." She sighs and looks up at me. "It's okay to mourn, you know. You guys were friends before its completely normal to feel sad that he's gone."

I look up at her with now watery eyes. "Is it really normal?"

"Yes," She smiles and takes my hand across the table.

"Woah, who's cutting onions over here?" A voice says.

I look up and see Harold looking down at us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

Harold pats his stomach. "Getting my daily tacos, obviously. This restaurant is basically a part of my culture."

Lily rolls her eyes. "That's cool. Can you leave now?"

He shakes his head. "No can do, chicka." He looks at me. "Why do you look like a five-year old when their hamster dies?"

I sigh and dig my hand through my hair. "I really can't do your jokes today."

"Oooga booga."

"Shut upppp," Lily groans and throws a chip at him.

He catches the chip in his mouth.

I'm about to throw the whole table at him when police break into the restaurant.

"Everybody down!" The police yelled."We are looking for a dangerous criminal."

Harold scratches his head and turns towards me and Lily. "How much you wanna bet that's me?"

I don't respond, and neither does Lily. The police walk towards our table.

What they do next shocks me.

A police officer yanks Lily out of her chair and throws her on the ground. "Lily, you are under the arrest for the murder of Samual."

They handcuff her.

"What!" I yell and stand up. "She didn't do anything do him!"

"Sit down, sir." The officer barks at me.

They forcefully drag Lily out of the restaurant. "Wait!" I yell, "Stop! She's innocent!" I running after her but a police officer stops me.

"Stay seated." They order.

"But -" I start to say, but the police car with Lily in it starts to dive off. "No!"

The police officer let's go off me and I go limp. This can not be happening.

I'm completely devested that Harold's laughing doesn't even bother me.

"Well shit," He laughs. "I thought they were after me."

I throw the whole bag of chips at him.


Three more chapters to go!!!

Jackie PooDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora