Chapter 3

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The stadium was quickly filling up with the families of the graduating students. We were filed off to the side, unable to see our families until after the ceremony, while the techs set everything up on the stage so they could properly announce our role in society and then send us on our way.

                Everything was going to be in alphabetical order which was going to take so long, but they apparently had a plan to keep it moving along. Alex and Adam left their spot and came back to me where I stood near the back. Alex hugged me and sighed.

                "Well, here it is finally. Graduation day. We took our tests and now we get to see our results and then contribute to the never-changing society." She said.

                I nodded. "Well, we've been aiming for this day for so long, right? I mean, we always knew that we were going to be testing to see where we'd go and now it's finally here. It's kind of surreal that we're finally here."

                "Agreed." Adam said and put his hands in his pockets. "We grew up together and now, we'll be working separate jobs and moving on with our lives."

                I smiled. "It's not over, Adam. Once we're set out and on our way, we can always get our homes near each other. Eventually we're going to have to settle down somewhere right? It's not unheard of for friends to live near each other." Adam smiled at me and his blue eyes sparkled slightly. I just nodded and turned to Alex.

                "You guys should probably get back to your spots. They're going to start the ceremony in a couple minutes and you know how the Mayor likes things to go according to plan." I told them.

                Alex nodded. "I agree. Come on, Adam. Good luck, Fin!" She gave me another hug and I hugged her back then Adam stepped in.

                "Good luck, kid." He said and hugged me then they both walked away and to the front where they took their spots in line waiting for the ceremony to begin.

                The techs had gotten everything set up rather quickly and the Mayor took to the front of the stage and everyone clapped for her. I just folded my arms over my chest and listened to her talk about how we're the next generation to move forward and "help society become fuller, brighter, and smarter as we each embark on our new journey as contributors to make the city a better place." It sounded so rehearsed and I wasn't going to buy it for one minute.

                I casually turned and glanced back towards the end of the line and caught Ben with his hands in his pockets. He didn't look too amused himself at the Mayor's address and when he looked at me, he gave a small nod. I turned back to listen to the Mayor finish her speech and then it was time to call the students up to receive their results.

                First up was Blake Albright. He stepped up on the stage and the projector promptly popped up some words and everyone clapped as he walked across, received his results from the test as well as a personalized resume, or so that's what I've been told it was, and then moved forward, taking his seat on the other side of the stage and patiently waited for the rest to follow.

                One by one the students were called up and given their jobs based on their results. Nurse, Scientist, Infirmary, Border, each one was different but each one was vital to the way society worked. Adam was finally called up and I watched as he given the job as Officer. It wasn't surprising, he was bulky, and a fast runner and it would suit him extremely well. Alex was next and she was given the job as Physician. Rather interesting, but she did always have a knack for learning about diseases and stuff in the past and whenever she saw someone get injured, she wanted to help.

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