Chapter 14

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Markus had gotten permission from Geller to obtain weapons and he agreed to send recruits with us so we could get in the building easier. I sat on the bed in the dorm and my leg was twitching. Alex, Adam and all our parents were staying here except for dad who was going with since he still had access to Downey.

                Alex walked in and stopped when she saw me and I looked up at her and quickly stood. She turned to rush out but I stopped her. She turned and faced me but it was evident that she was a little on edge. I sighed and rubbed my palms on my pants nervously. "Look, I'm sorry about what I did. There is no excuse, I was a major bitch." She just stared at me. "You're my best friend, Alex. And I wouldn't feel right if I went back knowing that I didn't get to tell you that you're like my sister. And I don't care if you hate me and never speak to me again, I still love you." I swallowed hard and she sighed.

                "I'm not going to lie, I'm extremely nervous and afraid that something is going to happen to you while you're back there." She took a couple steps forward. "And I'm going to sit with your mom and freak out waiting for something, news, someone to come back, whatever until you come back. You are my best friend, you always will be. I'm not mad. Not anymore. But I think you need to figure out who you are before we can go back to being us again. You've changed, Finley. But you need to figure out if it's for the good or the worse." She stared at me for a minute then turned and walked out of the room leaving me alone again.

                I sat back down and waited until it was time for us to get moving. It wasn't long until Markus came in and grabbed me so that we could get our own personal gear together for the ride back. Ben was already in the armory gathering what he needed when we walked in. I walked straight over to the knives and blades and began to pocket what I wanted on my person now and stored things in my pack for later. Ben walked over and leaned against the wall while I gathered everything together.

                "I apologized to Alex." I told him without looking at him and staying focused on the blades I was storing away.

                "Yeah?" He said and I just nodded. "Jealousy is a powerful thing, Finley. You let it get the best of you once, that doesn't mean it will happen again. We've all been there." I didn't say anything. "Is she still mad at you?"

                I shook my head. "No, but she said that I needed to figure out who I am before we can go back to the way we were."

                Ben looked down and put his hands in his pockets. "I think you know exactly who you are. People change. They never stay the same. She just doesn't want to face the music." I just sigh then turn to gather a few more things but Ben grabs my hand. "Finley, things are definitely about to change here. She will see that nothing will ever be the same. We are going to lose people going into the city. Maybe it will take you being gone for her to realize that you know just who you are and what you want and that nothing will get in the way of that." I look up at him.

                He was right. Going into the city is going to be really dangerous and we are going to lose people when we go in. We might not even make it to the Mayor in time before she sets off the beacon and causes a whole new war on earth. I don't like the thought of possibly coming back without Ben or Markus or both, but I had to face it, it was inevitable that the chances would exist. But he was right, sooner or later, Alex will realize that everything will continue to change to the point we might not even remember anything from the past. If we're lucky, there could still be a city to remember as we grow older.

                Before I can say anything in reply, Markus knocks on the door and sighs. "It's time. The trucks are waiting." We both nod and I take one last look around and make sure I have everything I need and then walk out behind them.

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