Chapter 8

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Getting the truck and ID was the easy part, it was what followed that became difficult. Everywhere we turned, security had a street or building closed off and the closer we got to Oakland Towers the denser security got.

                Markus drove with Ben in the passenger seat and I could see them exchange glances every now and then and when Ben pointed out the Oakland Towers, the looks got more concerning. Security was extremely heavy at the Towers, finding a way in would be more than impossible. Even in an authorized vehicle, they would notice the ID doesn't match the driver.

                I tried to brainstorm while Ben and Markus bounced ideas off each other about getting into the main building without getting caught. We would need a strategy to get in, and a way to find where our families were imprisoned, just to think of a new strategy to get all of us out alive and not caught.

                I remember something my dad told me once. Every week, the Mayor has a meeting with a member of her private council. Nobody in the city knows about it except the administration. It is always hush-hush. So, she had them insert a secret entrance so they could get in and out without anybody who shouldn't know finding out.

                "Wait, I got it!" I said a little too loudly making both Ben and Markus jump. "My dad told me she has this secret entrance for her private council so that nobody will see them get in or out. That's where we need to go."

                Markus nodded. "I know exactly where that is too. I came across it when they were building it." He put the truck in drive and we drove around the building until Markus reached the secret entrance.

                We expected security to be there but the way was completely open. I looked at Markus who sighed but nodded and we grabbed everything we needed to take in and then hopped out and quickly made our way to the door that was hidden behind a wall. Markus stopped at the door and checked around real quick then grabbed the handle and the door opened easily without even making a sound.

                We walked in and kept close to the wall as we continued through. Everything was white. White ceramic tile, white walls, even the lights were white. Our black suits were more than obvious against the white walls. Ben grabbed my jacket before I could take another step and held me in place. Without making a sound he looked up at the ceiling and attached was a small camera. I pointed it out to Markus who reached in his leg pocket and pulled out a silencer to his handgun and attached it quickly.

                "Wait." I whispered. Markus turned to me. "If it just shuts off, it could set an alarm and we don't exactly blend in with anybody else in this building."

                "We could reroute the wires. Make it see nothing even though we're walking right in front of it. We just need to send an electrical current through the wires that will bug it out and freeze it." Ben said. We stared at him. We had no idea where we were going to get the wires rerouted so that we could get in without it seeing us. "What about a Taser or stun gun? That would provide enough electricity to short circuit it so that it fails. My dad helped build the cameras for this building. I'm pretty sure the same technology applies here."

                "It's worth a shot." I told Markus and he sighed but nodded then pulled out his stun gun and turned it on. "Wait, how would we know if it even worked?"

                "The cameras rotate to follow anything or anyone that moves. We could probably toss something to see if it works." Ben said. "I said my dad worked on these cameras, not me. I don't know the entirety of their mechanics."

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