Chapter 2

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Morning kid," Will chimed as I packed my English Lit report into my backpack.

"Mhmmm Morning Will," I mumbled. I was the farthest thing from a morning person, and it certainly showed.

"Want some coffee?"

"No thanks," I responded.

"Jay's goona pick you up, and drive ya to school."

"I can take the bus."

"Yeah, but it's on his way."

"Alright, then."

I tugged anxiously at my uniform jacket in my brother's car. "I didn't get into NYU," I blurted out.

My brother sighed. "I'm sorry, sis," he said. "But it's ok. You still have other options."

"It's okay. It was a long shot anyway. I kind of want to stay in Chicago. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea. You can stay close to home. Did you apply anywhere in Chicago?"

"Illinois Insitute of Technology and Northwestern," I replied.

"I'm being selfish, but I'd love for you to stay close," Jay noted as we pulled into De La Salle.

I smiled at him, "you'd miss me."

"Of course I would. I've grown fond of our little family."

"That's sweet."

My brother patted my hand. "No matter what, I'll be here for you. I know it's a tough situation but you'll make it through."

I nodded. "Thanks, Jay. I appreciate it."

Non-criminal court proceedings take forever. That's what I learned.

I had been sitting in the courthouse for hours, waiting for my case to be heard. The judge reviewing the ability for the boys to become my guardians, seemed unnecessary to me. I was 16, and I could say that I wanted to live with them. I wanted to try this new chapter .

But I was growing impatient. I had been here since 8am, and it was now almost noon. I sighed and looked around, bored out of my mind.

Finally, the judge called my case. I stood up and walked to the front of the room. The judge asked me a few questions about if I'd feel comfortable living with my two older brothers.

"So it's official then?" Marco asked, while we ate our lunch on the quad, the next day. "Jay and Will are your guardians until you turn 18?"

"Yes," I responded.

Marco paused. "So what does that mean for us?"


" do I need to get their 'approval' now?"

I chuckled. "No, not really. We can still hang out and do things like we always have. I just needed a legal guardian. That's all." "But," I added, "it might be nice for you to come over to their place and have dinner with them sometime."

End of Flashback

I couldn't help but shake while Jay and Will stared daggers into my boyfriend at the dinner table. Jay had met Marco once, a few months after they officially gained custody of me. Jay didn't like Marco and Marco didn't like Jay. It was an awkward dinner, to say the least.

Hailey quickly glanced at Natalie, and then decided to break the tension. "So Marco- what are you doing after graduation?"

"Ah so both of my parents are Florida State Alumn. I basically got a free ride! No strings attached."

Will scoffed.

"What?" I asked accusingly.

Will sighed. "I just think it's unfair. You get everything handed to you while Murphy has to work her ass off to get in somewhere.

I was taken aback. "Will, I don't mind. Why shouldn't Marco go somewhere that's giving him a free ride? I know I'd take that, if it was offered to me."

"Yeah but no school will offer you one, Murphy," Marco joked. I glared at him in response.

"Why would you say something like that to her?"Jay yelled. "Murph is just as deserving as something like that. We just grew up in different situations."

"It was a joke," I emphasized. Although- I knew the damage was already done.

"Well, I think it's time for me to go," Marco said, standing up.

"I'll walk you out," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the house.

Once we were outside, I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so sorry about that."

"Don't be," Marco said. "Jay hates me. It's no surprise Will does too."

"They don't hate you," I argued. "They just don't know you."

Marco smiled. "Maybe one day they will." he said.

I nodded. "Maybe one day."

"How could you treat him like that?" I accused Will.

Will looked at me, a shocked expression on his face. "What do you mean?"

"You were so rude to Marco at dinner! You know how hard it is for me to make friends, let alone find someone who likes me. And you were so mean to him for no reason."

Will sighed. "I'm sorry, Murph. I know I was wrong. I just wanted to protect you, and it made me mad that he said something like that to you. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

I smiled. "I know. But you don't have to be so overprotective. I can handle myself."

"That guy doesn't deserve you. Come on, you know you deserve better."

"Will," I said in a stern voice. "You don't get to decide who I date. Marco is a good person, and you should give him a chance." Mimzy likes him.
"Why should I care what your grandma thinks?! I'm your guardian!"

"Ok wait," Jay interjected.
I rolled my eyes. " You don't get to make my decisions for me. I know you just want to protect me, and I appreciate it. But you can't go off on people like that."
"You know Jay was the one who antagonized him. I don't know why you aren't pissed at him."
"I'm not... I'm not mad at either of you. I'm embarassed, and Will- you started it by dumping on his free ride."
Will sighed. "Look, I'm sorry."

"Yeah- sure you are-"

"Murphy-" Jay began.

"I'm going to spend the night at Ocean's house. Her mom is going to be home," I interjected, grabbing my bag and heading out.

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