Chapter 4

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Jay's POV
A few weeks had passed, and besides some vertigo and a few headaches here and there, Murphy appeared to be healing well. It didn't hurt to have Will to look after her. He certainly was very dilligent.
I brought Pho home from Lotus Banh Ni for the three of us. It was a rare Friday night where none of us had plans. I ulocked my apartment to Murphy setting the table.

"Where's Will?" I questionned.

"He's on his way, Why do you look like  you're hiding something?" Murphy accused.

"What?! No I'm not."

"You have a bad pokerface, Jay Halstead!"

"No.... Okay yes... one of your college letters came today, and it's in a big envelope."

"Did you bring it?" she whispered.

"Of course I did, kiddo!"

I handed her the envelope, and waited in silence while she opened it. As she read, her face lit up and she squealed.

"I got into Northwestern!"

"Oh Murph," I exclaimed, "I'm so happy for you!" I picked her up, and spun her around as Will walked in.

"What's going on here?" Will questionned, entering my apartment.

"Murphy got into Northwestern!" I announced.

Will's face lit up as well as he hugged Murphy.

"That's awesome! I'm so proud of you." He said, hugging Murphy.

"I couldn't have done it without both of you," Murphy said.

"Seeing as Will and I didn't enter your life until about two years ago, I'd say that's unlikely," I pointed out.

"That may be true," Murphy said, "But you two have been such a big part of my life since then, and I am so grateful for that. I wouldn't be the same person if it weren't for you both You've been my rock."
"Can you not slurp so loudly?" I begged Will.

"What do you mean?" Will asked.

"You are such a loud eater, and it annoys me."

Will and Murphy laughed, and Will put his bowl down.

"I guess I'll just have to eat quietly then," he said.

"I didn't know you had Misophonia, Jay," Murphy commented. Will laughed in response.

"What's Misophonia?" I asked.

"It's a condition where you get annoyed by certain sounds, like slurping or chewing," Murphy explained.  "We learned about it in AP Psych"

"Ah, I see!" I said, nodding my head. "Since when did you become Dr. Charles?" I looked over to Murphy, who tapped a few of her fingers on her forehead.

"You okay, Murph?" Will asked.

"Yeah, I'm just getting a headache," she said, rubbing her temples.

"Here, let me," Will said, scooting his chair closer to Murphy and massaging her temples.

Murphy smiled and leaned into Will.

"Do you know how much longer these headaches are going to occur?" I asked Will.

"She's healing and they should be decreasing soon. It's natural for-"

"Woah," Murphy whispered, putting her head in her hands."

"What's wrong?" Will and I asked in unision.

"I'm just dizzy," Murphy repied.

"Why don't you go lie down for a moment," Will suggested.

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