Chapter 3

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Will's POV
"She's not talking to me," I confided in Natalie as we were drinking our coffeee in the breakroom.

"Murphy will come around," Natalie responded.

"I hope so," I said. "I don't know what I did wrong. I was just trying to be a good older brother, Nat. I may have went too hard on Marco, but it was for a good reason."

"Maybe she's just mad about you being so protective," Natalie suggested. "You know she's very independent."

"I know, and I know that I need to apologize, but she isn't answering my calls or texts."

"Is she with Jay?"

"Yeah she's switching between Jay's house and her grandparents' place."

"Maybe you should go talk to her in person."

Murphy's POV
"You have to talk to Will sometime, Murphy," Jay said, popping Vinters into his mouth as we spoke.

"I know, " I responded. "Why don't we invite him over tonight to watch the Bulls game?"

"Now you're speaking my language, Murph!"

I laughed at Jay's remark, and sent a brief text message to Will about the game.

"Does Jay have Beer?" Will asked.

Of course, but he wants to know you want?" I asked, coordinating with Jay.

"Surprise me," Will said.

"Will- I will say this to you in person, when I see you tonight- but I'm sorry about the way I acted last Saturday. You were just trying to protect me, and that was kind of a rude comment for Marco to make."

"No worries, Murph, it was totally understandable. Let's just enjoy the game, and I'll see you soon."

Relief swept over me, as I put my phone away.

"You two good?" Jay inquired.

"As new!" I responded.

I put my phone away, and saw my friend Ocean trailing towards our car with a Calculus book in hand. She got into the back seat, and looked towards Jay. "Thanks for the ride home, Detective Halstead."

"No problem, Miss Washington,Jay said with a smirk.

I shook my head and laughed, as we drove to drop Ocean off on our way home. The entire car ride, Ocean complained about her Calculus class.

"You'll get it," I said, encouraging her.

"I know, but it's so hard!" She said, exasperated, "And you know Father O'Hara is a class-A Jerk!"

"I know, I had him for Algebra in 9th grade. He means well," I added as we pulled up to Ocean's house.
As Ocean exited the car, she gave me a hug. "See you tomorrow, Murph. Thanks again, Detective Halstead."

Jay and I drove off, and I looked out the window at the passing houses.

"Murph," Jay said, looking over at me, "you're a good friend, you know that?"

"Thanks, Jay," I said, smiling.

"No problem. Now let's get home and watch the Bulls game!"

I giggled, as we turned onto the freeway.

"Murphy. Can you wake-up for me?"

My eyes opened, and I saw Jay looking down at me. He looked frightened. I was confused. Did I fall asleep on the couch watching the game? My head was pounding.

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