Still Hate Me, Malfoy? (smut)

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“Hi, Anthony.” He pointed to the chair next to her with an expression that asked if he could join her. She preferred studying alone, but he was intelligent and they shared several classes together so she agreed, albeit somewhat recently.

“So…” They studied for a few minutes before he, as expected, broke the silence. “We’re coming up on a Hogsmeade trip this weekend.” She nodded, though she hadn't been aware of that fact. Without Harry and Ron, trips out of the castle were less appealing. “I was wondering if you would want to join me.”

“Oh, ehm… s-sure.” There wasn’t a reason she could think of to say no, other than simply not wanting to go with him. “That sounds lovely.” But why wouldn’t she have wanted to go? Anthony was, by all accounts, a fine catch. Most of the girls thought so, at least, and Hermione was not blind to why. He was strapping, for sure, though not nearly as handsome as Malfoy. And he was tall, which was a plus in her book. Evidently, he wasn’t as tall as Malfoy, but still tall-ish. Not that anything so superficial should have mattered most. More important than his moderately above average looks and his only slightly above average height was the fact that Anthony was quite smart. Not as intelligent as she knew Malfoy to be, annoyingly, but he got good grades by even Ravenclaw standards. Of course, he couldn’t hold a candle to her and it often showed whenever he tried engaging her in a conversation about magical theory or arithmancy… unlike Draco who articulately shot down her, apparently, underdeveloped and nescient theories and even convinced her of “more thought out opinions” that were “better suited for scholastic discussions” once she got over being so butt-hurt.

“Granger.” Think of the handsome devil. His harsh tone startled the two seated at the table.

“Malfoy! Hey, hi,” she fumbled awkwardly. For some reason, she felt instantly worse about agreeing to Anthony’s invitation.

“We are supposed to work on the Ancient Runes translation,” he reminded her coldly.

“Right now?” Naturally, Hermione wanted to start every project on the day it was assigned, though she was somewhat surprised that the lazy sod was as keen on getting it done as she was. Yes, he was smart and a remarkably good student when not trying to assassinate the Headmaster, but he didn’t go out of his way to over-prepare to the extent that she did.

He nodded for her to follow him and she did so without question, leaving her books and various items behind at the table with that other boy, if he was even still sitting there. The blonde led her in the restricted section. “Malfoy, what could you possibly need in here?” Rather than answer her question verbally, he pulled her in and pushed her up against the wall. Skipping over the introductory kisses and licks along her neck, he went straight to nipping and biting. There was no one, two, three finger warm up before he moved her knickers to the side and entered her. “Fuck! Draco!” She wasn’t completely dry - simply thinking of him physically aroused her - but she was nowhere near ready to take him.

Fortunately, despite wanting to hate him, her body craved his own and quickly adjusted to his intrusion, opening up to him and welcoming his presence within her. It might have even been the forcefulness of this interaction that took her immediately to the top of that special mountain, though she would refrain from thinking about what that could have said about her. She was brought to glorious new heights, but was thrown over the side before she could enjoy the scenery. That was to say, he forced upon her a quick and unsatisfactory orgasm before she had time to fully process what they were doing.

When he wiped his finger along her entrance, she thought he was going to play with her clit. It was arguably too soon after her first orgasm, and she almost said something, but that wasn't his plan anyway. Instead, he hiked her leg up over his hip and wrapped his arm under her body where he found her back entrance. She opened her mouth to protest - questionably, because honestly, it was an amazing addition last time - but he swiftly moved his left hand from her bum to her neck, holding her in place as she “struggled”. He must not have gotten his entire finger in last time, because this hurt much worse. She felt like he was ripping her open and began to actually struggle a bit more.

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