Record #01 - Journey in the Sun

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"Hey, I want to ask something"


"What is that Greek temple on top of that mountain at the back of town?"

"Oh, don't even think of going there"

"Why? What's so special about it?"

"You must new around here. I'll explain. See, there is an entity living in that temple over there and there are legends about this. It says that this entity is an ugly woman with the upper body of a human while the lower part is that of a snake with live snake hair instead of normal hair. If you look at her in the eyes, you will be turned to stone and there's no way to reverse it back!!"

"What?! Is it that dangerous? Why is someone like her living in that temple?"

"Hmm, from what I know, she used to be a fine young lady, a priestess who served the goddess of that time but was cursed into an ugly woman for breaking her vows"

"What was the vow?"

"It was written in the records but I forgot that part"

While the two men were talking to each other about the myth, a raven-haired man wearing a black jacket and a straw hat overheard the conversation and silently grinned.

"There's such a woman? Interesting. I am curious about this snake lady" he muttered and finished his shot as he paid the bill and left the bar, carrying a brown bag on his back.


The man climbed the old stone staircase that looked like it would break the pathway anytime. He reached the temple and everything looked broken on the outside but everything except the funny-looking statues stayed intact.

He stuck his head inside first and once the coast was clear, he went inside the temple and he looked around.

"Hello? Snake lady or whoever you are, can you come out? I just heard a lot of things about you and you sound interesting so Im curious to see you"

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"Hello? Snake lady or whoever you are, can you come out? I just heard a lot of things about you and you sound interesting so Im curious to see you"

He heard noises from the side and when he turned, there was nothing. He became alert a little in case she tried to harm him.

"Who are you? Are you here to cut off my head?"

The man turned to the source of the voice and he saw a tall silhouette in the shadows hiding behind a pillar.

The man grinned. "I just overheard something about you. Is it true that you can turn people into stone if other people look at you in the eyes before they could even see your face?"

"Would you like to try it out?"

"Nyahaha!! I would love to but I don't want to risk myself becoming a stone statue" the man laughed.

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