Record #05 - Unexpected Reunion

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"Come on. Please!!" you pleaded.

"Pirates are running amok here, (First Name) so I can't let you out of my sight if you wander around town," Smoker said, not looking at you in the eye or sunglasses in your case.

"Aren't I one as well?" you pointed at yourself.

"I- You're an exception plus it was an order from Vice Admiral Garp for me to look after you" He stuttered.

"But I can't be locked up here forever!!" you pleaded.

"Didn't you tell us someone is coming after you to behead you?" he interjected.

You went silent and clenched your fists. Smoker realized that he had struck a nerve so he panicked a little.

"You can leave but one of my subordinates will have to accompany you" he quickly said.

You lifted your head and beamed at him. You slithered towards him and hugged him.

"Thank you, Smoker!! I'll be back in a bit!!" you broke the hug and left the room.

Smoker sighed as he runs through his gloved hand through his hair with a small tint of pink on his cheeks.


You were looking around in the streets, looking to restock your tailor supplies since you ran out again.

"Hey, get off the execution platform, boy!!"

You turned in the direction where it was crowded with people. You went there while ignoring the marine who was accompanying you.

You tilted your head when you thought you recognize someone before but you couldn't put your finger on who. The snakes told you that it was the little boy you met with Shanks 10 years ago and you realized that as you tapped your fist into your palm, confusing the marine beside you.

It has been that long, huh? Your lips curled up into a small smile at the little boy you barely remember.

Luffy didn't notice your presence as he continued staring at the scenery with a gleeful look on his childish face.

It felt like a gush of wind when he felt trapped against the wooden clamp with his head and arms locked tight by a certain clown he forgot.

The marine told you to leave the premise and get back to the base immediately. You stared at your old acquaintance again before leaving with them.


You were just on your way back to the base in a long route because the one where you came from was blocked by pirates so you have to go the long way.

But why did you have to be dragged by a certain rubber boy when he recognized you while he was running away from the Marines along with his crewmates?

"What are you doing?!" you yelled, keeping your glasses from falling out.

"Join my crew, (First Name)!!" Luffy laughed.

An irk mark appeared on your head, irritated that he kidnapped you. Adding to that he and Roger are so similar in many ways.

Right now, Smoker is chasing Luffy with you in tow though it was difficult because of your tail, and the blonde boy who couldn't stop giving you the perverted eyes causing you to recoil in disgust. Those types of men are the ones you hated the most and you don't want to deal with someone like him on your friend's crew, not that you will say it out loud.

"Drop her this instant!!" Smoker shouted.

"No way!!" Luffy stuck out his tongue childishly.

In the end, Smoker managed to catch up with Luffy and pinned him down with his weapon.

(I forgot what its called . . .)

"Are you alright, (First Name)?" he asked, turning to you.

You nodded and he continued pushing his weapon down on Luffy as his body went limp with his face eating the concrete.

You tuned out most of the monologue while you try to find your way back to the base but stopped when you saw a recognizable figure. You beamed along with your snakes that perked up from your head.

"Dragon!!" you smiled.

Dragon chuckled. "It's nice to see you again, (First Name)"

"What are you doing here?" Smoker asked.

He looked up and muttered something but you couldn't hear him and the next thing that happened, Luffy was being blown away by strong wind and he grabbed you in the process. You got to admit, you're kinda heavy so it's kinda surprising that he can carry you with that small build of his.

"Oi!! What are you doing!!" you shouted but it went on deaf ears.

Sigh, just what did you bring yourself into?


"Luffy, who is this?"

"This is my friend, (First Name)!! The one I told you all about!!" Luffy grinned.

"She doesn't seem too welcoming to us . . ." Zoro sweatdropped.

"Also, what is she?! She has everything of a snake!! Her body, her hair!! Probably even her eyes!! And what's with the sunglasses?! It was a contrast to everything she's wearing right now!!"

The blonde kicked the dark-tanned guy in the head while the ginger-haired girl punched him in the face. "You idiot!! You don't just describe a lady that way!! That's rude!!"

"Can't you see that you're making her uncomfortable?!"

You whimpered as you hide behind Luffy despite being taller than him. He's the only one you know and most comfortable to be with.

"It's okay, (First Name). They won't harm you!!"

"I'm more worried about myself sailing with the men in your crew!!" you gritted your teeth in frustration.

There are only a couple of men that you're very lenient with and you're not gonna let your guard around anyone no matter what.

"Also, why did you kidnap me?"

"Because I missed you and I want you to join my crew!!" Luffy simply replied.

The edge of your mouth twitched and punched him upside down the head causing everyone to sweatdrop.


"You and Garp are the same idiots!! I can't believe that Dragon is his son . . ." you muttered the last part.

Luffy pouted and you looked away with a frown. You slithered inside the girls' sleeping chambers to do your own things. You can't be bothered to face this bullshit right now.

Author's note: I'm sorry if this chapter is short. It's just that I'm out of ideas for this story and I don't want to drag it for too long as a draft so I made this full of bullshit that might not make sense.

I don't know why I kept procrastinating when I write.

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