Record #06 - Regretable Choice

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You have been staying in the galley for as long as you remember and didn't leave unless you needed to help with something. You were coiled up with your tail around you as you slept through the journey, to wherever the sea takes you.

You were having a great dream until you were woken up when the ship was swaying harshly against the salty waves of the storm. You slithered out of the galley and found the whole crew running and panicking around the deck. You also found two unfamiliar people tied up in the corner of your eye.

The blue-haired woman's eyes widened when she saw you. Probably the usual reaction but you could care less. You were trying to find something to help but unfortunately, you couldn't, they could see that you tried so they didn't mind.

Once the storm is over and the course is finally set on track, you lay your back on the deck with exhaustion draining out of you, joining everyone else who is feeling the same way.

All except one.

Zoro fluttered his eyes open and yawned as he stretched his limbs from sitting near the flag post.

He said something that gave everyone irk marks and for you to hit him with your bow, hard enough to leave a bump on his head.

"What the hell was that for?!" he shouted.

"She had the right to do that," everyone said in unison with no remorse.

You were glaring daggers at him as he stared, confused until he remembered.

"Right. . .Sorry about that" he said but stopped midway when he saw the two unknown stowaways. "Why are you guys on the ship?"

Now that you thought about it. You don't remember seeing them on the ship before. Probably a lot has happened while you were sleeping. You shrugged. It was none of your business but it wouldn't hurt to keep your guard up around them.

Should I tell them?

The snakes hissed in disagreement, saying that it was their fault for letting the two strangers on their ship, unlike Zoro who you think at least has some sense. You can't help but nod in agreement with them so you didn't say anything until you reached the island they called Whiskey Peak according to Luffy.

Everyone left the ship and decided to explore the island while waiting for the Log Pose to reset. Because of the fog, everyone is on guard, not knowing that there is already something or someone watching them.

You sensed them and it is not helping your anxiety. It only shot through the roof limit. Not only that, it was very hard to locate them because of the fog.

Fool!! You should leave immediately at once!! We can't stay here!!

That statement kept ringing in your head and you could only absentmindedly nod as you gripped your bow tighter.

The fog slowly disappeared and what appeared are people letting out cheers of happiness. It may sound confusing to everyone but you know it was just a facade to fool them thanks to your many years of experience at the temple including your adventures with Roger. It became so easy for you to read people that you know how suspicious it sounds.

However, you hoped that these idiots will not fall for their tricks as they stared at the people confused and surprised.

"Welcome to the Grand Line!!"

Unfortunately, you facepalmed when every single one of them fell for their facade. You hid away from their eyes, not wanting to be seen by them. Your stomach lurched at the bad feeling and you know that you wouldn't be wrong.

You groaned as you pinched the bridge of your nose, regretting your choice to come along with these hopeless idiots. You wanted to leave them but you don't know how to navigate or don't see any spare ship to sail.

The cheers of happiness only made the edge of your lips twitch in irritation. The others don't seem to notice you were gone since you went back to the ship and you could hear some faint voices from them.

"Oi, (First Name)!! Let's have some fun-" Luffy stopped mid-sentence when he realized that your form is nowhere near them which caught everyone's attention, confused.

"Is something the matter?"

"Nope!! Nothing's wrong!!" Nami intervened, giving them a strained smile.

You raised a brow as you noticed that sign. Somehow, you have an inkling that maybe some knew that the gig is up but decided to pretend to be ignorant to let their guards down.



You don't even know how long you have been inside the ship but you noticed that it was nighttime the moment you looked out the window.

Loud noises were heard from outside and you wondered what the others are doing. Are they okay or injured? You can't help but worry so you rushed out of the ship and headed straight to the source of the noises.

When you got there, you were seriously dumbfounded by what you saw. Luffy and Zoro are fighting each other for a reason that you don't know.

Everyone sensed a new presence so they turned to you while the two dunderheads continued their fight, not caring about their surroundings.

"Mr 5, isn't she the one Mr 0 wants us to capture in case we ever encounter her?" the woman with an umbrella asked.

"You are right, Miss Valentine. Once we get rid of everyone, she'll come with us"

Your eyes widened with dread and your stomach lurched again as you took a step back. You don't know who this Mr 0 is and what he wants from you but you don't like it one bit. You already have Athena's warrior chasing after you and you don't want another one on your back.

The girl with blue hair had her eyes widened as she turned to you. She had a feeling that she knows but she doesn't have the confidence or felt that what she thinks is right.

You are debating whether you should flee like you used to or intervene and stop them from fighting but Nami seems to have beaten you to it. She walked towards them and punched their heads right side up much to the blue-haired girl's surprise.

The two people who got caught in the crossfire of the fight are what you assumed to be the enemies they were facing but you don't know who or what they are.

With Nami in the lead, she brought everyone together to discuss more about the situation and to also fill you in on the events that happened while you were gone.

Author's note: This chapter was inspired by hentai-forever of the book, Cursed, with a similar concept.

I'm sorry for making this short but Im out of ideas and I don't want this to be left on draft for too long. My motivation is very shitty right now along with writer's block.

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