Chapter 17: The Tunnel

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The boys rotated who was in the driver seat every once in a while. Right now, Thomas had the steering wheel. Newt and Frypan let him had a nap beforehand. The only thing that was stopping me from driving is they wanted me to save my energy for when we get there. So I decided to look out the window, watching the When time pass, I watched the jeep passed a sign which said: Mandatory Infection Check |2 miles ahead.

"Ok, the city must not be far from here if it was mandatory" Thomas told us.

We arrived at a tunnel and Frypan parked the car. The four of us hopped out.

"You want us to go in there?" Newt questioned.

Thomas walked up to us, looking at the map that he brought with him.

"I don't want to come across as too negative but if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would be," Newt exclaimed.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Thomas replied, returning his eyes back to the map.

We looked at where we are going.

"And I get shotgun," Newt spoke before he walked back to the truck.

It took a moment before we followed him. I took a breath and let it out before hopping into the truck.

Hell, here we come, I thought to myself.

Then, we headed into the dark tunnel. A few feet in, Frypan turned the headlights on and Newt did the same with a flashlight. As he shined it ahead, we noticed some abandoned cars in the way.

"There we go," Frypan exclaimed.

"Take it nice and slow," Newt mentioned as he kept paying attention to the outside with the flashlight.

He followed his directions.

"Woah, woah, woah," the blonde spoke as the boy stepped onto the breaks.

That caught my attention and Thomas's too. We took a glimpse at what they were looking at.

The headlights showed a crank.

"It's ok," Thomas said as the three of us look at him, "it's just one, that's all. Take it slow, go around. We'll be fine."

"Take it slow," Frypan repeated as he and faced the front, "take it slow."

He took a breath as Newt turned off the light and rolled up the window on his side
Thomas and I relaxed into the backseat. And then, we saw a crank that was staring at us through the window on Thomas's side. Thomas jumped at the sight of her and shone his flashlight towards the window.

"Please," she told us before jerking on the handle, "help me. Please. Please"

A crank banged on the opposite window and caught our attention.

"Let me in" he said as the woman pleaded.

"We got to go," Thomas spoke.

"No shit" I replied.

"Woah!" Frypan exclaimed as another crank came up to his window.

Then, cranks ambushed us.

"Frypan, now," Newt told him.

"Just floor it, Fry!" Thomas yelled.

"Hold on!" Frypan responded before hitting the gas, making the truck go.

A crank suddenly jumped on the hood of the it. He slammed his fist against the windshield, leaving a spiderweb crack in it.

The truck wieve through the tunnel.

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