Chapther 21: No Matter What The Cost

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We traveled back through the sewer. We gathered the group to discuss what Gally thought was a potential plan.

Thomas had his back to the group, deep in thought.

"No, there has to be another way," he exclaimed, facing us again and walking back to the table.

"Like what. You've seen the building. She is our
way in," Gally argued.

The two went on and on before Brenda intervened:

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?"

"I like her," Gally quickly commented.

"What's going on?" She asked. Her voice softened.

A short silence fell around the table.

"What? Are you afraid that your little girlfriend will get hurt? Hm. This has never been about rescuing Minho, is it," Newt spoke.

"W-What are you talking about?" Thomas asked.

"Teresa. She's the only reason that Minho is missing for the first place. We finally have an opportunity to get him back and you don't want to because of her." Newt explained.

"Because deep down inside, you still care about her, don't you. Just admit it."

"Newt, I-,"

"Don't lie to me," the blonde boy shouted, jolting Thomas into the wall, "Don't lie... to me."

Then, he relaxed his body, seeing the red shield between him and Thomas. Newt turned around to the group. His face had softened, not like before. His eyes traveled around to meet everyone until his met mine. It lasted a few seconds.

"I'm sorry" he said before walking out.

What's going on with him. He has never had outbursts like that when Aris and I joined. Maybe, he had anger issues when in the maze, I told myself.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Did Newt have anger issues when you guys were in the maze?"

"No, he didn't. The second in command wouldn't hurt a fly."

I chased after Thomas. Just before he went upstairs, I grabbed him by the wrist

"Hey, mind if I come too?"

"Not at all," he responded.


We found Newt on the roof with his feet hanging off the edge. I slowly followed Thomas to him. The blonde boy sensed our presence as he looked up at us.

"Sorry about that back there."

There was a small silence before he spoke again:

"I guess I can't hide this anymore."

He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a couple of black veins. I let out a small gasp as Thomas crouched down. I went and sat with Newt.

"How?" I asked but it was just a whisper.

"I don't know," he answered.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Thomas spoke.

"Didn't think it would make any difference"  Newt told him.

"All I know that WICKED put me in the maze for a reason," he exclaimed as he examined his arm, "maybe it was literally to tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me."

"You know we can still fix this, Newt," Thomas said, "we can."

"Yeah, all you have to do is fight" I told him.

"Don't worry about me. This is about Minho. Now, he needs us. If there's even a slightest chance we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that"

"No matter what the cost," the blonde boy spoke softly.

"Ok, we hear you" Thomas replied.

Then, Newt pulled down his sleeve again and held it.

We sat in silence, admiring the beauty of the sunlight coming through the buildings of the city. The three of us stayed there for a few moments.

"Alright, I'll be downstairs if you need anything" Thomas told us, mainly Newt.

He stood up. He got ready to leave then he said:

"You're coming, Y/N?"

"Nah, I'm going to stay up here for a little longer," I answered him.


Thomas went over to the stairs and walked down them until he was out of sight.

"Why?" Newt's voice caught my attention, and I turned to him with a confused face.

"Why'd you want to stay up here with me after I bursted out?"

"Because I want to make sure that you're okay. And I might have a idea, but I don't know if it will work or not," I replied.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I might be able to transfer the Flare from your body," I explained.

"Into what?"

I didn't respond to the question because it was going to make it worse. But not responding could make it worse too. I avoided meeting his eyes.

"Into what, Y/N? The Flare would have to go somewhere."

A moment passed by before I was done tolerating the pain in my heart.

"I would have it," I told him.

"No...," he spoke in almost a whisper.

"No, no, no! We don't know you're immune,"the blonde boy yelled,"Y/N, you can't risk your life for me."

"Look, you said this is about Minho. And he knows you longer. It's only reasonable that you make it. Also, you're thinking about the worst possible scenario. I don't know if I can transfer the disease." I mentioned.

"Yeah, I am because The Flare would consume every last piece of you like it's doing to me. Do you really want that? And what about Millie? You would leave her behind if you can transfer it."


Newt opened my eyes to the possibility of being gone and she wouldn't have her big sister figure around except Sonya

"Ok, let's make a deal. I will learn if I can transfer it from your body into mine own just in case. I will do the transfer if the pain gets too much," I proposed that to him as I reached out my hand.

Newt stayed silent for a moment as I watched his jaw clenched. Then, he took my hand.

"No matter what the cost?" I asked him.

"No matter what the cost."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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