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I wake up to the sound of the door sliding open and light steps coming closer.
“My lady” i hear mal whisper
The cat jumps down as I roll over to face mal. She sits next to the bed licking her paw.
“I'm so glad your awake” she says barely louder than a whisper
My body is stiff again so I stretch. My ankles pop along with my knees and elbows. I look at Mal, she has a confused look on her face. So I ask what's the matter.
“You never used to do that, umm.. make those popping sounds.” she said
“Well i have been in a coma for a month not moving so my body is a bit stiff” i explained
She nodded and brought a dish of water closer, and dipped a rag in it.
“Here my lady its to wash your face” she said handing me the rag
I say thanks and wipe my face. When I'm done she takes the dish and sets it outside the door and heads to the wardrobe.
“What would you like to where my lady” she asks
“ Something old and dirty we are going to clean and organize today.” i say
“My lady you should not exert yourself, you need to rest.” she said
“Don't say that I have heard it so many times I feel like I'm going to puke.” I say with a groan.
“Fine but you must let us help you, and you can't do anything without telling us first.” she says coming closer with a louse brown dress
“ That's a dress,” I said looking at her in confusion. “how am I supposed to work in that?”
“Well… dresses are all women are where so you have only dresses and because you are rumored to be an illegitimate child you have a lot less than your sisters.” she hesitantly explained.
“Oh.. well do you think we could buy some clothes pants preferably.” i asked
“ We don't have very much money, my lady, so I don't think so.” she answered
I wonder if we can sell something, but what? I sigh and accept the brown dress. Mal helped me put it on and after putting up my hair in a ponytail I noticed she was staring at me.
“You're staring” I said “why?”
She flinches “ i… your… eyes are different from before the accident.” she says
I think for a second before asking “how are they different”
“There different colors” she says
“Do we have a mirror i wish to see” i asked
She said yes and walked out of the room. She soon came back with a small handheld mirror, and handed it to me.
I already knew my hair was really long but I never looked at the color. My hair was black and oily. My face was clean and smooth, id dare to say pretty, but my eyes were indeed different. My left eye was brown and in certain lighting it looked like a brick red. My right eye was a light electric blue color, and in certain lighting looked as if it was glowing.
“Well that's not good” i say to myself
I look around the room and i get an idea. I look in the wardrobe for something i cant where and see if its see through. As i look I find a beautiful black and red dress. Its imbroderd with some flowers at the bottom.
I do end up finding something but its black, oh well beggars can't be choosers. I ask mal for sissers, a needle, and thred. She quickly feches them and brings them to me. After a few minutes i have a short see through blindfold and a long one. I put the short one on and tuck the long one in a pocket. We then walk outside.
“Can you see my eyes now” i ask mal
“No i cant” she says and smiles
“Good” i say “now i wanna see what the back yard looks like” i say
Mal nods and we walk down the porch to the door alex had went through lastnight. We was then in a main room. It had a table with and chairs around it. It also had a wooden couch on the opposite wall. There was three doors, and two of them im guessing are alex’s and mals room. We head out the closest door and were outside. A porch was here to but it was in the same condition as the other. Alex was out in the yard cutting wood.
“Why is he cutting wood” i asked mal
“We save up for when winter comes around as well to cook with.” she explains.

I look around some more and see tons of woods, thanks to the collapsing wall surrounding the building they are very accessible. Mal gets alex’s attention and she walks to him, i follow until my eye catches something at the ege of the woods, i walk to it.
“My lady” i hear mal and alex call out to me
“Im no lady” i yell out getting closer to my destination.
I dont understand why they call me that, well i do but id rather them not.
I stop only two feet into the woods and crouch to get a better look at the plant. Wild onions, and alot of them to.
“My lady what are you doing” alex asked out of breath
“There are wild onions here, we could sell them.” i said to myself more then to him
I continue walking and found a rotten apple with animal bites taken out of it. Its only a few days old. I look around closely and continue to walk.
“Heres an apple tree” i say looking up “theres another over there”
I walk some more and see some vines crawling on the ground “watermellon”
to my right climbing a tree “grapes” these could be sold too.
“Oh wow mylady” mal says “we could definitely sell these” she gets closer to the watermelon.
“Do you think we could get some wood to fix the a porch and cloths” i ask
“If we can sell 4 of these then we could buy really nice cloths and wood to to fix both porches.” she says rubbing the dirt off the melon, about to pick it.
“Wait dont” i say before she gets it off.”they may not be ripe yet.” i say getting closer to her and the melon. I gently knock on it with my knuckle and hear a deep hollow sound. I nod confirming its ripe and she picks it happily. I move to the next one knocking on it and hearing a high-pitched resonance sound, i shake my head.
“This ones not ripe”i say
i knock on three more but only one of them is ripe. I pick it and hold it in my arms. When i look up mal and alex they stare at me with curious eyes.
“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back” i say
“ we have never had a melon before can we have one for ourselves” alex says getting the hint and eyeing the melon in my arms
I nod and he crouches down to take the one in my arms. The next one i knock on is ripe as well so i take it in my arms and start to head back.
“I never knew these woods were so full of prizes” mal said and alex agreed

I stop in my tracs and take a deep breath. There so clueless. These Woods are indeed full of prizes, and beautiful too “ but they are aso dangerous” they stoped and looked at me.
“I want you to promise me something” i start “no this is an order from your lady, never under any circumstances go in these woods without me and or my permission.” i say with a monotone voice.
They look at each other and then me. They then give a small bow and at the same time say “yes my lady”
I give small smile and we continue walking.
“Hey my lady how do you know if the mellon was ripe by knocking on it” mal asks
“Yeah thats something me and alex found out last night, i dont remember learning all these things or who told me them. Its kinda like being born already knowing how to breath” i explain
“Oh thats amazing do you know any other plants around us” she asked
I look closely at all the plants i see and keep a mental note of them. “blueberries, strawberries, poision ive and oak, more grapes, Raspberrys, dandelions, Poison hemlock, pine ,Nightshade, garlic mustard, and Soapweed Yucca. I also see some medicinal herbs” i say while swiping a Soapweed Yucca pulling it from the ground taking the roots with me.
i take note of them and there uses. “Chamomile: used to calm anxiety, and can be used in tea, feverfew: treats fevers and headachs, ginger: helps with nausea, goldenseal: helps with diarrhea but poisonous in high doses, and valerian: helps with the lack of sleep.” i say to drown out the noises of the plants roots being tourn from the ground.
“Some of those are very poisonous” alex said aloud
“Witch is why i dont want you going in there alone. You could touch one of those plants and in the matter of seconds you could be dead.” i said explaning my self
Alex noded with a gilty face. We near the back yard and i discard the plant near a bush.
“How about we go and sell these we can eat one while we try to sell the other two” i ask
“It sounds like a plan” mal said as Alex nodded in agreement.
“Ok then im going to change into something more decent you wipe off the melons and get a big knife to cut one”
They nod and start to clean the melons of dirt, and i head inside to change. I see the red and black dress and cant help but put it on. Its not like i like girly things but i cant resist the colors and patterns on it.

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