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I dont know where the inhuman speed or stangth came from. I dont know what we are going to do with the tree in the backyard. Its brown bark is now shattered like broken glass. Leaves and branches litter the ground around the tree. I dont know how i got into my bed. All i know is that i was going to go to back to the river. I need a shower, badly.
I slowly get up, and the cat i have yet to hear the name of jumps down and tilts her head at me.
“What are you doing” a faint motherly voice asks
I stop and look at the cat. It spoke. That cat just spoke.
“I asked a question” the cats spoke again 
“Im…im going insane” i whispered out
“ no your not “ she said licking her paw “ tell me where your going”
“To the river i want to bathe” i told her getting up and heading out the door in my nightcloths.
“ come back soon my lady” the voice says with a sleepy tone.

I carefully walk to the backyard and find the soapweed. I snap off its roots and keep them in my hand. I walk in the general direction of the river. The trees block some of the light of the full moon. Once to the cliff i see the river running free and cleanly. It glows in the light of the moon. Once to the water i look around. I dont hear nor see anyone so, i strip. Under the nightgown i have bindings on, they keep my upper curves minammal. I slowly undo them. I feel my jaw hit the ground when i see my brests for the first time. “ what the h*** There huge” i yell accidentally. my voice eccos around me. I look around to see if anyoney was coming.
I let a sigh of relief escape my lips as I walk to the water and look at my reflection.
Scars litter my body, and bruises are smudged acrost my skin like ink. Some scars rap around my legs, waist, and up over my shoulder, A wip was used for these. Other are in a strate line stoping at the curves, these are done by blade. Some bruises are darker then others. Some are as healing and are a tanish yellow color on my skin, but there are a few places that are almost black. If there aren't scars there are bruses and They cover every inch of my body. I walk into the river letting it cover my body in its transparent waters.
I look at my backs reflection and see its caked in scars, doliped with bruises, and sprinkled with dried blood.
Im such a mess. I want to cry. I want to tare down all the surounding trees. I want to paint my self a new skin. One that has not been touched by blades,wips,or blunt objects.
I hold my breath and go under the water. I open my eyes and see the sprinkles of blood float away. Red ribbin stain the water.
“Please Take it all away” i requested of the flowing river as it wiped away my tears.
a voice rang out ‘Theres to much, you know that, this river cannot wash away the blood of all the dead people you have killed or the punishment you have been given’ its the same one thats full of hatered and pain
“Iv killed none” i thoght questioning my sanity and my past
‘You have killed more then one could count’ the voice spat out
Pain filled my lungs as i remeber im under water. I leap up out of the water gasping for air. The pain fades as i continue to breath. I look at the water and see my reflection. There still there, the scars and bruises.
I look, a man stares at me with red eyes, and suddenly im a deer in headlights, unable to move. He walks closer to the water and hides behind a huge bolder. He holds a finger to his lips. I hear another noise, one of someone running quickly. This new man jumps off the cliff and lands softly on his feet. I cover myself and hide in the water only letting my head stick out. He sees me i know he dose. He has a cold look on his face.
“What is your name” he says
he starts to come closer when i dont answer. I look at my clothes on the ground. He follows my gaze and stops.
“I only want to know where someone went. Hes a man this tall with long black hair. Have you seen him?” he asks showing about how tall ‘the man’ would be. ‘The man’ hes looking for is behind the bolder. ‘The man’ is shaking his head at me with a finger still to his lips.
“No” i whisper out
“Sorry i couldnt hear you say again” he said taking a step closer
“No” i say louder taking a step back.
“Are you sure he is a very dangerous person” he asked again
“yes but-, “ ‘The man’ behind the bolder glares at me when i continue “i heard branches snap that way” i point to my right heading up the river atop of the cliff.
“Are you sure” he ask once more
I nod
“Thank you miss” he says and with a big leap he heads that way.
Hours seem to pass before ‘the man’ comes out of his hiding place. He looks at my clothes on the bank and smiles at me.
“Mind if i join you?” he ask
I nod
He smirks “of corse you dont mind,” he says disregarding my answer, “ill set my cloths next to yours then.” he continus as he slowly strips.
I look away. I can feel him stearing at me.
“What are these, they look like roots” he says
“They have the same affect as soap” i say keeping fear from my voice
“In that case ill bring them to you, we could both use some.” he says as he walks nearer
I can hear every step he takes, every breath, and every splash he makes in the water. I feel him. Hes behind me. Not even a foot away. He sees. I know he dose. He sees the drawings, and the spilled ink on my skin.
“Stand up” he orders
I do as im told.
His arm reaches out infront of me, and in his hand is the soapweed.
“ i need to dampen my hair hold these” he asks
I nod and take them in my hand. I feel the ripples as he gose under the water. Fish swim around us. The trees stay still and the crickets chirp. I see hair in the corner of my eye. Hes underthe water and coming around me. I try to turn around but his head pokes out of the water
“Turn around and ill kill you” he says as im in mid step “now face this way” he orders
I do as im told.
He smiles as he stands up. I dont move. My eyes are somewheres in the tree line above the cliff.
“Why dont you look at me, am i that ugly” anger and sadness slips into his voice
I finaly look at him his eyes are as red as roses, his hair long and black, he is hansome all together. But one would be afrade of his eyes.
“Your not ugly” i say looking at him anger in my voice.
I notice the anger in it and question myself. No scars, no bruises, amazing build and a nice face. Ugly? no not close at all.

daughter of the prime minister حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن