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I wake up to the sound of people walking around in the main room. I groan and look around. I'm holding Levi as he huddles himself into my chest. I slowly let him go and climb out of bed. I smile at him as I go to change into my work clothes.
Its early like I wanted but its still hard to get up and get dressed. I quietly hurry to the main room to see ivy wiping down the table and talia cleaning up the couch.
“Wheres mal and luke” i ask
They look at me and talia goes to answer but she stops and stares at me.
“Whats wrong”
“Umm my lady you look…upset is it your lady time again” she asks
“No its not, i look like this because I woke up early. Anyway i'm going to go scout the land they need for the build… oh i never went over rules for the woods did i?” i randomly say
“We got the rules from mal so there's no need to worry.” she says
I nod and head out the door.
Our back yard is a mess. Theres different kinds of wood piled everywheres. The once green back yard now looks like its going to die because of all the people stepping on it.
I did want a yard ya know.
I sigh and go about my business.
Luke is cutting fire wood behind some wood pile. I wonder if I should ask him if he wants to come with me. I slowly walk around the wood pile and see hes fixing to swing the ax so i call his name.
“M- nell what are you doing up” he asked
“I wanted to wake up early, how much wood have you chopped?” i asked
“Umm this much” he says and points to the left of him
“Over doin it much?”
“I woke up really early and i have nothing else to do” he says
“Well now you do, i'm going to scout the woods want to come with me?” i ask
“Sure, but what are we scouting for?” he asks
“Anything we could sell” i say heading to the porch.
I grab the baskets and the knife we have been using to cut vines.
“When are you going to sell the things we find” he asks
“You and …. Ivy are going to sell what we find.” i say turning around to face him
“Me? I cant sell anything” he says
“Thats what ivy’s for shes going to be a pretty face that attracts the customers then all you have to do is be respectful as possible but never give in to bribes or deals.” i say gesturing him to follow me.
“If your sure then ok” he says
We walk slowly as i point out different herbs and plants that would make great spices. We both pick them one by one but eventually i see a cloth tied to a tree.
“This must be where there stopping” i say seeing more cloths tie to trees
“Good then we can search this side and tomorrow the next side '' Luke says, already holding baskets full of spices, herbs, and wild fruits and berries.
“Maybe we should just go back we cant carry much more.” i say
“True, but its really nice out here” he says with a smile
“I know but we should really go, we can organize everything and come back” i say and he agrees.

After almost an hour and a half we finished scouting the left side.
“Ugggg what time is it” i grone
“It seems to be 8:30” he says
“I kinda wanna go with” i whisper under my breath as i look at all we have collected.
“what ?” luke asks
“I almost want to go with you and ivy to sell all of this” i say with a smile
“Whats stoping you” he asks
I smile creeps onto my face “absolutely nothing, lets get some watermelon and give 5 to the golden leaf, and see if i can get them to take some of the fresh spices, and fruits…. Can you run ahead and ask if they will take a look” i ask
“Yes i can, ill get a stable horse and head that way.” he says with a smile as we walk up the steps
“Wheres nell” mals voice rings from inside
“She's been outside” ivy says as luke opens the door
“Shes right here, whats wrong” luke says
“Nell, the crown prince is here along with a messenger from the emperor you need to quickly change” mal says pulling me into my room
“Ok ok ill change give me a second” i say as mal looks through my wardrobe. She pulls out the cloths i wore to the palace and to the market. She then throws it at me.
“Mal stop for a second, tell me why your so worked up” i yell waking levi
“Your going to be late they only allow 20 minutes for the family to get here unless there outside the mansion” she says
“Ok ill get dressed” i say and start to take off the work cloths
I glace at levi to see what hes doing and hes staring at the wall. Good boy. I change as fast as i can and so i wont waste any more time i keep my hair in the messy bun i had put it in this morning.
“Im going now” i yell out letting them know where ill be
“Wait nell i'm coming with you” talia says trying to catch up with me. Shadow follows her telling rui to guard the house.
“Ok lets hurry” i say grabbing her hand and rushing to the greeting room

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