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The door opened to show my father with some one else who im guessing was a doctor. My fathers eyes wonderd around the room in disbelief. This is my chance.
“Father your here” i said excitedly
“Y-yes i am but i thought i told you to rest” he said fixing his gawking face
“I know, but alex came back and he sold some herbs and fruits, so now we have money” i say like an excited child.
“Is that so, how much did you get” the doctor buted in
“Umm i donno,” i turn to alex “how much did they let you keep?”
“I was able to keep all but 4 gold” he said looking sad
I walk to him and hold his hands “ i told you its ok so dont look sad my daddy is here now he’ll get the stolen money back,” i took toward my father “right dad”
“Someone stole money from you” he asked
I nodded
I look to alex “tell them the truth not that soft filtered stuff you fed me”
He nods and looks to my father “ the third young lady she told me if i wanted to keep the money i had to pay for it. I was able to keep 10 out of the 14 gold i had.”
“ and how did you pay for it” he asked
Alex hesitated probably because of mal being in the room “she wiped him for every gold he kept. Daddy please i beg you.” my eyes waterd and my voice cracked
“Ok ok ill look into it sweetie, ill have her give the money back you dont have to worry.” he said trying to calm me
“No i dont care about the money i can always work for more. She needs to apologize to him. It wasnt the first time she had done this. daddy please” i begged with tears dripping from my blindfold.
Shock has tainted his feachers “ok, she’ll apolagize i promise”
I nod wipping my tears from my face. “Promise?”
“Yes i promise” he said
I accepted his so called promise and look back at mal. Shes staring at alex, and alex is trying to ingnoe it. Mal’s face says whats on her mind. ‘why didnt you tell me’, ‘i thought we were in this together’, and ‘i could have helped’
“Lady claymore, you have been awake for 2 days after a month of being in a coma you should rest instead of being up and doing exserting tasks, but if your up to it would you please sit so i may take your pulse.”
“Ok” i say
I sit on the couch and hold out my arm puling my long sleeve up to my wrist. The doctor pulls up a chair from the table and places a cloth over my wrist. He then takes my pulse.
“Hmm you seem to be heathy nothing wrong with your pulse. Are you feeling pain anywheres when you move?” he asks
“no” i say letting my hand retreat into my long sleeve.”
“Do you suddenly feel dizzy”
He looks at my face “can you tell me what you where doing”
“I was walking down the street to come back home we had just made some money in the market” i answerd
“I herd you lost your memories did you regain one”
“Not sure. I was swinging a sword and a man told me to fix my breathing. But mal and alex never remembered me picking up a sword in my past so it might have been a dream” i explained
“Ok, and i was told you remembered your manors, and they where elegant, far beyond your age how did you know them” he asks and i cant help but to think hes testing me
“ i dont know, i know lots of things, plants, crafts, manors, songs, and knowledge. It was so confusing when i relised it, it scared me. I couldnt breath, i felt suffocated”
“Hmm i see, what kind of knowledge do you have”
“Gimme a topic”
“The earth” he said
“The earth is round, and has a moon, the moon rotates around the earth, and the earth along with the moon rotate around the sun. planets such as mars and jupiter rotate around it too but there further away.” i stop when they look at me like im stupid “whats wrong”
“Lady claymore that is very complicated information how do you know it” he asked
“ i thought it was common information ” i say
He stoped and blinked a few times.Thinking.
“ ok um can we get on with the examination i wanna take a nap.” i asked
“Of corce, you mentioned walking the streets yesterday why where you up?”
“Because i was curious about my surroundings”
“I see how do you feel now”
“Hungery” i say
“Thats all” he asks
“My back stings” i say
He looks at my father and he nods “may i take a look mylady”
“I guess” i say wondering if he really cares or if its just the money.
“Alright please lay down and ill take alook” his hand gesters to the couch
“Umm mal, alex, could you go get a melon please” i say before showing my back
“Yes my lady” they say in unison and leave
I eventually get the back of the dress off and lay down. I hear the gasps of my father and the doctor.
“Whats wrong” i ask playing stupid
“You seem to heve a few cuts on your back ill have to disinfect them so it might sting” his voice shakes a little
I nod and i soon feel a burning sensation, but not even a second later its no more but a small sting with a dull pressure.
“This is a strong disinfectant lady claymore, a drop is strong enough to make a grown man cry, but you have yet to show any signs of pain from it. So id like to ask if your back is numb” he asks as he continues to apply the disinfectant
“I feel it but it just stings a bit more then before not enugh to make me cry thought” i say
“I see in that case once im done with your back i would like to see if its the same for other parts of your body. If that is ok” he asks
“Sure” i say plucking out the roses in my hair
After a few seconds he finishes and i sit up putting my cloths back on right. He then asks for my arm. I give it and he takes out a needle. Rui and shadow start to growl at him.
He stops and looks at them “my lady could you please call off your pets” he asks softly
“come here my loves,” i pat the seat next to me and they hop up, “ this is doc hes a nice person, hes making sure i can live a long life with you, mal, alex, my dad n mom, and my sisters and maybe a brother or two, so you have to let him poke me with a scary needle, i promise ill be ok.”
i hug rui, and shaow lays his head on my shoulder. I give one arm to the doc again.
“Ok doc”
After those words i feel him pinch me softly and then some pressure, then nothing. He let go and i look.
“You left the needle in”
“Yes i did”
“This is a acupuncture needle i need to put multiple in and leave them for some time.” he explained
I shudder looking at it “No… no no no no, get it out, get it out, it looks wierd and scary.” i can feel tears rolling down my face
“My lady calm down, it dosnt hurt dose it”
“No its just scary” i start crying and i cant stop myself
“Ok your just afraid of the needle, just calm down, look at you pets, they love you, look at how they worry for you, you can do this, just dont look at the needles, ok” he calms me but tears still roll down my face
As the needles are placed in my skin i calm down a bit more. Shadow a rui are encouraging me and are saying how there grateful that im there new master, in hopes of cheering me up.  The doctor tells me that hes done and asks me if i felt anything.
“Yea i felt the pinch and the pressure if the needle before it entered my skin and then nothing more” i say refusing to look at him or the needles he’s cleaning off.
Once hes done he puts them away and i finally look at him “ my lady you have a high tolerance for pain, this means you need to check your body every now and then for bruises, swollen spots, or cuts, because you cant feel them when they happen” i nod and he continues “ my last topic is about the blind fold”

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