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I feel sorry for the servants that had to clean that mess up. I feel sorry for mal who seen it. I dont feel sorry for my so called family who were covered in blood. I dont regret the punishmet i gave those men. I also dont regret waching every second of the brutal punishment i gave them.

The meeting ended right after do to the room being coverd in blood and my sisters fanting. My father’s expresion changed once the prince left
“You- are you trying to get this family killed” he said pointing at me
“What are you talking about father” i asked with a quivering tone
“You killed those men dont you feel anything” he yelled
“I had to.. They lied to him and hurt his animals not just the ones he gave me, but all of them.” i said forcing my body to shake
“My lady is right, if she didnt do that he might have thought that the ghin family wasnt loyal to the royal family, because she aloud the men to get off with an easy punishment” mal cried as she held me
He thought for a moment and gave a small nod “your right” he said in a whisper.
“Dad your not mad at me are you” i said tears flooding my eyes
I looked at his face but evoiding his eyes, thought its not as if he could see my eyes. His body seemed to relax once he processed what i said.
“No im not, im sorry i yelled” he said raising his hand to my head.
I flinch as his hand comes close to my face. He sees me flinch and slowly pats my head. Tears begins to spill from my eyes, out frum under my see through blind fold.
“Im glad your not upset dad” i smile with tears falling down my cheeks.
“You did truly louse your memories” he said with a sad look on his face
“Why do you say that, i told you didnt i” i ask as he puts his hand down
“Yes, well i thought you were lying because you knew your table manors, and how to greet your superours” he paused “but its true you have lost your memories. When did you wake up” he asked
“Two days ago” i said wiping the tears from my cheeks.
“Well two days of rest after such a long coma? You need more rest then that. Go back to your residence and rest i will send for a doctor to look at you ok.” he said with a small smile
“Ok” i said fiddling with they hem of my sleeve
He nods and walks away as mal pulls me to the house. Once there i notice that Rui and shadow are still covered in blood. Mal says something to herself about having to build a house for them outside, and I take this chance to lead them out to the well. My nose is filled with blood as i clean them up. Rui was hard to clean, his fur was a bit stained but it would where off in a day or so. I walk around the wall and to the porch. Rui and shadow are excited to be out of there cages, there running around and smelling the grass, flowers, and the fallen tree. Soon shadow comes running up to me.
“I want to play” he said
“Do you now” i ask
He looks at me like he’s surprised “you do understand us”
“Yes i do but other humans dont know that so lets keep it between us, yes” i say
“Ok,ok but can we play” he asks
“What would you like to play” i question him
“Umm i dont know” he says
“How about we play tag” i say
“Whats tag” he asks
“Its a game where someone is ‘it’ and if they touch you, you become ‘it’ and anyone whos not ‘it’ has to run from the person who is.” i explain
“That sounds like fun i wanna play tag” he says
“Ok then go ask Rui if he wants to play and ill ask mal. Ok” i say
“Ok i play tag i play tag” he says troting like a horse over to Rui
I go inside and mal is pacing the floor
“Whats wrong mal” i ask
“We wont have enugh wood for the porches if we make a house for the animals, we dont even have enough food for ourselves how are we supposed to feed them” she says pacing the floor some more
“Mal if you keep pacing like that your gunna make a hole in the floor” i say
She stops and look at the floor and then at me
“You cant make a hole in the ground by pacing” she says with a sigh
“Not in this floor but it is possible” i say looking at the concret floor.
“We need some carpet” i think to myself
“we wanna play tag will you play with us it’ll help keep your mind off of all the other things we’ll discuss when alex is back.” i ask
“Us?” she questions
“Me, shadow, and Rui” i say hedding to the door
“Umm how are they supost to play they dont have hands” she asks following me outside
Shadow and Rui are waiting in the yard and we walk to them.
“Ok here are the rules. You two aren't aloud to speed around you have to go easy on us, if you tag someone and say ‘no tag backs’ you cant be tagged again until someone else is it, we can’t leave the back yard if you do your instantly it, thats all i can think of dose anyone not understand”
“How are they supposed to say no tag backs” she asked
“Well if they touch you and them bark or growl they probably said it” i say shrugging
“Ok” she said
“So is every one ready?” i ask
Mal says sure and Rui and shadow stand up.
“Ok then mal your it” i say quickly and intsently i take off running
Rui and shadow skatter after processing what i said. It takes mal a little while longer to process it but she soon runs after rui who was closest to her. Rui ends up getting tagged but mal dosnt say no tag backs and she gets tagged back, rui however dose. Im next on her list when she sees me giggle. Im chase around the yard until i shake her off using shadow to distract her. Hes it. He knows i did that on purpose and i try to run away but he’s catching up. Hes so close. Then at the last second i spin around him and he comes to a sliding stop and turns around to see me running to rui. He runs twords mal seeing how close she is to him then me. shes tagged. mal then looks at me once more and chases me and she succeeds. Im it. I run to rui who follows mal. When shadow comes close i dont follow i continue after rui. We pass him again and again. He soon stops preparing to run away and thats when i change direction. Got him.
“NELL” my name is yelled out and i know who it is.
I slowly turn around and see alex standing on the porch, and i feel shadow hide behind me.
Im dead.
“You just woke up two days ago why are you running around like that, what if you hurt yourself?” he says with a look of disappointment
“I-” words wont come out my mouth they all stop in my throat. Why can i talk whats stoping me. All i can see is it the disappointment and anger on his face.
“And you mal your running around with her what is wrong with you. Why arnt you stoping her we agreed she wasnt to exert herself today.” he yelled at mal “my lady get in the house and rest” he commands me with a harsh tone.
Suddenly i feel like im being suppressed. I hate it. My mind is running and i cannot catch it. I walk to the porch. My body is being controled by someone thats not me. No, stop. I am not taking orders. I go up the stairs and stop infront of him.
Shock fills his face and he freezes for a second, then he slowly turns and looks at me.
“I called you family so you could feel comfortable around me and you wouldn’t be so stiff, so youd talk to me like im normal person, not like im made of glass, but never will you ever yell, talk, or look at me like that again. Im not someone who will take orders from you or anyone for that matter. Do you understand me?” i said harsher then he had spoken to me.
He nodded.
“And the way you spoke to mal wasnt very kindly ether i think you need to appolagise to her.” i finished and steped to the side giving him a path to her.
He walks passed me and the smell of blood fills my nose. Its strong. Stronger then what was on rui and shadow. Im left frozen looking looking nowheres special.
He comes back and mal is with him.
“My lady are you remembering something” mal said with a shaken voice
“No im not” i look at alex, “i need to speek to alex alone, mal will you go add new money to the rest and count out five gold for the wood” i finnish
She nods and walks in and i tell alex to follow me. He dosnt say anything as we head into the woods. I scan the plants around me and stop when i see a pach of yarrow. I sit in it and gester to alex to do the same.
“My lady im sorry i- ” he starts to say but stops when he looks at my face.
When its obvious he isnt going to talk anymore i speak “why do you reek of blood?”
He looks at me like im a monster, like im going to kill him, like his life is flashing before his eyes.
“i - i dont know what you mean” he studders
I sigh “your ether gunna show me where your bleeding you ill strip you untill i find where”
“My lady i honnestly-” hes cut off when i grab his cloths and shove him to the ground.
“Tell me” i say simply
He looks at me with surprise and then sadness “my back”
I let go and he sits up.
“let me see”
He nods and turns around. He undose the fastinings and lets the back of his cloths slide down his back. There are old wip marks on his back just about a dosen, but of the old ones 4 cach my attention. There only 2 or 3 days old. Then theres the freshly made ones, 10 of them lashed into his back. I take some of the yarrow plants that are around us and chew on them. Once to a mush i smear it on his back.
“What im puting on your back is something that will stop bleeding and will prevent infection.” i say and once im done smearing it on him i sigh.
“My lady im truly sorry for they way i spoke to you i was just upset that you was running around when you should have been resting.” he said with a shaken voice
“ i dont think that was all it was, you was lashed 10 times most would be angry, especially if it was done in the wrong” i said helping him pul up his cloths
“Yeah it was that too.. I was just so frustrated i got a lash for every gold pice that i kept and when i come back your running around and so was mal. I try my best to keep you and her safe but in that moment i felt as if she betrayed me by not making you rest or at least convincing you to take it easy.” he said tears invading his eyes.
“Its ok believe it or not we were only playing for about 15 minuets before you came back” i said with a smile
He smiles back sadly but then he dose truly smile “oh i forgot the person that runs the resteont we sold near wanted to know if we’d consider selling our melons directly to him. He said that melon was really good, and that farmers are getting greedy with them and rasing the prise for no reason and that he’d pay us up to 5 gold a melon”
“Oh what did you tell him - wait no mal needs to hear this we need to have a big group discussion pronto” i said gitting up
He got up to and we hurried back, we wasnt far to begin with so we got to the main room quicker then expected. We walk in and we see mal and the fur babies.
“My lady you seem happy is everything ok now” mal says and i make a funny face at her and she corrected herself.
“Yea … um” i look at alex and his face saddens slightly “i had a talking to with alex and when we were done he told me that the owner of the restaurant we sold by wanted to give us 5 gold a melon if we were to sell directly to them” i tell her as her face starts to grow a big smile
“Thats amazing” she said and clasped her hands together
“I know right, we need to get the melon garden going sooner now” i said
“I told the owner that he’d have to talk to you, nell, and that youd have to dicide the arrangements not me” he explained to us
“We need to set up a time to meet, we cant do it tomorrow but we can the next. So alex ill send you tomarrow to sell more stuff, while you do that tell them that we can meet the next day and they can pick the place.” i look at him an he nods,
“Can you also get some shovels we will need to start the planting right away”
we cant help but smile at our new found source of money, until the front door opened that is.

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