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We’ve already eaten. Mal fed Alex so he could rest. I eat in my room hearing shadow and rui tear apart a small animal. I need to get them food so they don't get a taste for blood. I look down at my empty plate and sigh. I set it on the chester drawers and take off my mask before I fall back down on my bed. Something is poking me. I look and it's the letter the third prince sent me. I carefully peel off the red wax and open it. It's in anglish.

Dear lady claymore,
I was a bit rude in the previous letter, I apologize. I wish to make it up to you, if that is alright. I would also like to meet you sometime for lunch so we can talk more about fears and goals. I also want to talk to you about the crown prince, and a few more topics with you. I am feeling better but I still have to rest, so I'm open for tomorrow and the next day. I hope you can find the time and meet me at the gates of the royal palace.
I heard about your pets. You can bring them if you want.
Also, thanks.
The third prince

Dang, a prince apologizing, I need to save this. I get up and go into the main room to find Mal picking up the plates.
“Hey mal could you get me some paper and ink, I need to write a letter.” I ask taking the dishes from her hand.
“Ok” she walks into her room and brings out wax, paper, matches, a brush, a stamp, and ink.
I say thanks and let her take over the dishes again. She's still in shock. I sigh and grind the ink to start writing.

Your highness,
There is no need for apologies, you were just trying to make sure of the unlikely things. I also don't mind meeting but I can't tomorrow, so the day after will have to do. I'm also glad to hear you feel better but use tomorrow as an extra day of complete rest.
From, lady claymore

God it's such a hassle to wright in anglish. Reading it is easy but my hands aren't use to writing it, or writing any thing for that matter. Maybe i'm not use to the brush. I roll the paper up and melt the wax using the matches, then stamping it with the stamp. Once it dries I look at it. Its my name with a circle around it. Simple, I might change it.
Mal comes back and tries to take the things back into her room. Once she comes back for the brush I tell her to go to sleep, and that we are going to bed early. She nods and goes to her room, and I go to my room to change clothes. I change into my work clothes and go outside. It's only 4 now, father wouldn't be busy.
I walk towards the entrance when all of a sudden I'm hit with the smell of blood. I hurry along only to hear a familiar scream. It's isabella. More screams fill the air but they're not hers. I continue to hurry until I see a crowd, a huge one. I push past the crowd to see tons of people tied to a bench being flogged. There are maids, male servants, and isabella. Father is sitting in a chair watching as this goes down. Madam Ghin is on the ground next to father , bowing on her knees.
“Please, I beg you, spare her the rest, she’s just a child.” she cries.
“ a child, yea right, could a child do that.” he pointed to me.
She turns and sees me. I wasn't planning on talking to her any time soon, but I guess it's now or never.
“Hi, umm im here to send this letter to the third prince” I say hesitantly
He nods and tells a guard to get the letter and send it.
The guard politely asks for the letter so I give it to him, but before he turns away he stares at me. Probably at the stitches. Once he notices he's staring so he bows and rushes out the entrance doors.
“Come here nell” father calls for me
I walk over and he gestures to my jaw and neck.
“How is she supposed to win over the crown princes heart when she has scars all over her.” he yells through his teeth
“She didn't mean to, I swear it” she cries
“So she didn't mean to almost kill nell’s servent, or steal the money nell worked for, or steal the wood nell bought with her own money.” he yells at her
Madam ghin looks at me “nell sweetie you dont blame her do you, she's so young and has been pampered too much it won't happen again, please forgive her” this sounds more like an order then a request.
“I'm not blaming her for anything, i'm holding her accountable for her actions, the person to blame here is you, for not raising her right.” I say looking at her without emotion. Its obvious if father isn't here she would kill me. I can tell because of the look on her face. Suddenly someone lights a torch and it shines in my face. I wince and hold my eyes. I don't feel my mask, and I can't help but panic and look away. 
I then hear a gasp from madam ghin once she processes what she has seen.
“What's wrong, after being so close to death my daughter has been given heaven and earth eyes. Yet you look at her as if you seen a monster” father says looking at madam ghin with discuss
“Heaven and earth eyes, what’s that” I ask slowly looking at him
“It means you can hear a god’s voice” he says
“Only one” I ask
“Yes” he answers
“So it's a good thing, did you tell the emperor, is that why he was so lenient  towards me ” I ask being skeptical
“Yes I did mention it, and because of it you are to receive an invitation to the emperor's birthday party, there I will end the rumors of you being a basterd’s daughter and you will present your gift to the emperor, which will be you giving him the words spoken by god that only you can hear.” he explains he then looks around me and waves his hand in a downward motion. All the servants with paddles in their hands swing and hit whoever is tied to the bench. Screams fill the air as they hit in the legs, back, or right on the butt. I don't know if it's a bad aim or if they're told to hit whatever.
“What form does the voice come in?” I ask, thinking of Snowbell and how she told me about the gods' pity.
“I'm not completely sure but I heard old stories say that the voices could come in dreams, whispers if your alone, and even words that appear in thin air, but whatever it is you must remember what it says. That way you can tell his majesty.” father says as he makes the same hand gesture as before.
Screams fill the air and I can't help but pick out Isabella's.
I nod once the screaming stops
“What about when” I ask not finishing hoping he'll understand
“Yes, and that is the true blessing, I did some research the reason your eyes change color the way they do is because you have also been granted the blessing to see, talk, and understand spirits and demons, you must be careful to never make a deal with a demon nor should you get too close to one, socially or physically, I have also told the emperor of this, so there's no need to worry” he explains
I can't help but look back at the past few days I've been awake, have I heard anything.
“Nell are you ok, have you already heard something” he asks with concern
“I don't know, I was confused at the time, I had just woken up the second time that day and I smelled blood.. I- I thought it was strange that I knew what blood smelled like so I thought it wasn't, but then I heard a voice saying it was blood and that my hands were covering it.” I said getting quieter as I when on, “i smelled the blood on alex when I hugged him, my hands where on his back, he must have been wiped before then” I trail off thinking out loud
“You have already heard a voice, that's wonderful, and it told you he was hurt. Ill tell the emperor” he said smiling while making another wave of screams go by
“Ok -hiss” I'm suddenly feeling pain in my throat.
I fall on my knees holding my throat, it hurts so bad, it feels like my flesh is being held together by ragged wire. The pain is making it hard to breathe. I hear father call my name, I see madam ghin smile, but I can't speak to answer him, or ask her what she thinks is funny. I fall onto my side and roll on to my back. Suddenly I get a breath and another but it leaves my lungs. A scream pearces the air, a loud, ear shattering scream filled with pain. I use that scream to focus my mind to calm myself. Whose is it? Why are they screaming? What's hurting them? Hours seem to go by before I get another breath. I try my best to focus on outside noises. Barking, growling, whining, that's rui and shadow. Why are they here? I get more breaths only for them to leave me. The person screams again and it's louder, filled with even more pain. Rui and shadow lick me, they ask me to calm down asking where it hurts. All I can do is hold my neck and jaw. They lick me where it hurts. More air reaches my lungs and the pain dulls. Before I know it I'm breathing hard and fast. I take a second to catch my breath. I lay on the ground looking at the few stars that are just barely visible. I feel like my mind and body are fading.
“Nell” fathers voice is soft and caring
“ i'm sleepy” I can't help but sound childish
“That's ok, ok, go to sleep i'll take care of everything ok, daddy's here-” fathers voice fades out with my vision and im left in darkness
I can't feel it.
There's no light.
no sound.
“%*^&^”  I can't hear my voice.
Am I dead?
…Who are you?
That doesn't make sense. Who are you?
Fine then let's put it differently I am the god you can hear.
Oh so you going to tell me something
No i'm just here because i'm bored
I see
So your name is nell
Nice I am a fragment of the god of life and death I go by the name iris
The goddess of life and death is a busy person, so you got me and another fragment. She's sleeping right now, she was trying to heal your cut so it took a lot out of her. Her name is Kali.
Oh, well give her my thanks when she wakes
Of course. Sorry to make it such a short meeting but it seems it's time for you to go.
Oh really
Yes for if I keep you any longer you'll sleep till noon
Oh ok ill see you later I guess
Yes see you later

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