Chapter 11

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Adam's P.O.V

I have to admit watching everyone's reactions was pretty funny. I mean they either didn't believe Cameron or started laughing or in Arik's case just stood there in utter shock. "Why aren't you as shocked to hear this?" Gio asked me with a frown on his adorable face.

"Funny story, Ariana and I were adopted by our parents. Our biological parents are Raphael and Roxanne." I said with a shrug.

Alek scoffed and rolled his eyes at me as he leaned back in his chair, "That's not really funny."

"Anyways! Cameron's mom and dad are my aunt and uncle." I finished, glaring at Alek who smirked and ran a hand through Gio's hair.

"Wait a second." Arik said as he pushed off the counter and stalked towards me, "Who are Raphael and Roxanne?"

"Ooh ooh can I answer?" Keeley asked as she bounced up and down on Cameron's lap with an eager expression and her hand in the air like we were in school or something.

"Go on." I muttered knowing full well that was the only way to get her to calm down.

"Raphael is Meredith and Blake's son. Roxanne is the daughter of Freya and Woden." Keeley answered making everything short and sweet.

Arik groaned and rubbed his eyes before raking a hand through his hair, "Screw this. I'm more confused now than I was when I first got up." He muttered and walked out of the kitchen. I heard him walk up the stairs and two seconds later heard a door slam.

"Too much information." Keeley said and I just nodded. He's her twin she would always know exactly how he felt.

I cleared my throat and looked away from Keeley as my wolf stirred. He didn't like that and if I'm honest neither did I. He's my mate! Not hers! Whoa buddy calm down, he's her brother! I looked back at Keeley before I stood and walked out of the room.

I really didn't want to go attacking my best friend so I walked out the front door and sat down on the steps. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I need to get a grip on myself. Especially if Roxanne showed up out of nowhere or worse. Meredith.

She's one scary bitch and that's putting it lightly. I've heard a couple of rumors and none of them sounded good. I sighed and looked up only to scream like Keeley did when she saw the fake snake Arik had put in her bed. I took deep breaths and watched as Meredith made herself comfortable next to me.

You would think someone that made Jason seem like a toy would be tall or even a freaking guy! But no, Meredith is only 4 feet and 11 inches tall. Her hair was longer than she was tall, but constantly wore it in elaborate French braids and it was so dark it absorbed light. Her eyes though may have been the freakiest thing I'd ever see in my life. There were at least four colors swirling around, blue, turquoise, gray and purple with flecks of gold and silver.

Now you might be thinking 'oh it's a sweet old lady.' Yeah haha. NO! She's only like 19, maybe, I think saying she's 19 is pushing it. I mean that's when she stopped aging. Soo yeah.

I gulped and looked away from her eyes and took in her jeans, sandals and One Direction tank top, "You still fangirling after them?" I asked her pointing at her shirt making her glance down at it in confusion for a second before her face lit up.

"Oh! My! God! Blake's taking me to all of their concerts! I can't wait!" She began to literally spout rainbows out of her mouth. I'm kidding!

"Uh huh." I said raising my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah." She said her voice becoming a bit creepy sounding and I just knew she was going to say something I really didn't like. What freaked me out the most she would be nice at first and then demand something, "So kid. How've you been?" She asked me, her voice giving me goose bumps by how nice and sweet it sounded.

"Fine..." I said leaning away from her as she put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin in her hands before tapping a finger to her cheek.

"Well that's nice. I heard about your mating." She began only to have me groan.

"Oh good god Grandma don't tell me you're a homophobe!" I whined and covered my face with my hands only to jerk upright as her laughter filled the air.

"Seriously don't call me that. Makes me feel ancient." She gasped out as she wiped her eyes, "No I'm not a fucking homophobe. Seriously! I mean come on!" She burst out her eyes flashing red, making me jerk a foot away from her as railed on and on about me thinking she was a homophobe.

"Sorry. Gosh." I said and looked at her with wide eyes as she calmed down a bit and her eyes went back to their normal, or not so normal, eye color.

"So about your mating. I hope he's everything you've ever wanted." She said with wistful look on her face.

"He is. Everything and more." I whispered as she looked over at me with smile. Her large canines flashing in the sunlight.

"Anyways, back to why I'm here." She sighed and leaned back on her hands before looking back at me, "My aunt is having a party and you're all invited."

"Seriously Grandma that's why you're here. I thought it was something, I don't know, serious." I scoffed at her.

"Don't call me that, I've already told you a million times." She growled before clearing her throat, "Everyone knows you can't resist my invitation." She said cockily because it's true. Completely and utterly true.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, "When?" I asked her knowing it would cause her to squeal like a fangirl.

"Yay!" She squealed while clapping her hands making me wince, "I have no idea when it is but Blake is probably going crazy. I have to go." She said and started to get up.

"Seriously Merry! You better let me know or have dad come to my school if I'm not here." I said to her as she began to make her way into the forest at a blinding speed.

"Yeah yeah." She said and disappeared, two seconds later her scent disappeared.

I rolled my eyes. That's just like her. Appear and disappear without even a proper hello or goodbye. I stood up and stretched my muscles before turning on my heel and heading inside.


I have a feeling this is pretty short lol if it is sorry!!! I will be editing this in the morning cause its pretty late and my leprechaun would freak if he knew I was up right now. Let me know what you think? Don't forget to leave me a comment or two oohh and vote because I'm risking a night of sex for this upload ;3

Love yah!!

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