Chapter 15

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Adam's P.O.V

I blinked a couple of times as I stared into Ariks eyes and saw he was completely serious, "You really want me to grab onto and hold your dick to help you pee?"

"Uh...No. More like help me strip." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him, "Please?" he begged making me smile.

"Ok. Since you begged so nicely." I said to him earning a growl, "Don't growl at me. I do have to pull your pants down for you."

"Sorry." Arik grumbled and hissed when I pulled his pants down all the way to his ankles.

"Right. I'm pretty sure you know how to take care of business. I'll go change the sheets. Something silky maybe." I said and began to walk out of the bathroom.

I was almost done making the bed when Arik came out of the bathroom and cautiously touched the bedspread and sighed softly before actually attempting to lay down.

"Why is it that having you against me doesn't bother my skin?" Arik asked me a few minutes later.

I shifted in my position against his side, "I don't know." I answered honestly, "Colton will tell us everything about what's going on. He's the expert."

"Expert." Arik scoffed as the bedroom door burst open to show Keeley.

"Who's the sexy guy across the hall?" she asked making Cameron growl at her.

"Seriously Keeley you have a mate!" I said to her and pulled the silky sheet up to cover Arik.

"That doesn't mean I don't have eyes! Do you really think I'm going to pass up the chance of seeing an actual Fae in the flesh?!" she said pushing Cameron out of the way to get a better look at the hallway just in case Colton decided to walk out of his room.

"No." I muttered and looked at Arik, "It's still creepy though." I whispered to him making him laugh.

"Keeley. Go away." Arik growled and turned on his side so his back was to the door.

Keeley growled right back and stalked out of the room with Cameron right behind her who winked and closed the door.

"She's insufferable." Arik mumbled as he ran his nose up and down my neck.

"Hmm." I replied not able to say much more. The sensations pouring into me through just that little bit of skin on skin contact near my mating mark made me moan and shift around until I was facing Arik.

I reached up and buried my hands in his hair as I pulled him close. He grinned before swooping down and claiming my mouth in a searing kiss. His hands ran down my body and started to push my boxers off. I groaned and ran my hands down his back before digging my nails in when he dragged his lips down my neck and sucked at my mating mark. I hissed in a breath when he grabbed hold of my cock and slowly stroked the hardened flesh.

"You're mine." He rasped before he shifted his attention back to my neck before he trailed his lips down to my nipples making me arch into his hand that was slowly stroking me into oblivion.

I couldn't even respond to Arik's words as he swirled his tongue around a nipple before nipping it. I gasped in a breath when he shifted again and I felt his hot breath agains my cock. I closed my eyes and moaned when Arik took only the head of my cock in his mouth.

The moment I closed my eyes they shot open again. My mind hadn't been swirling with colors and sensation. Instead I saw myself with my eyes closed and an expression of pure bliss on my face. I looked down at Arik and saw him close his eyes as well before they shot open and stared into my own.


I know it's been a while since I last uploaded anything and I have no excuse but that real life issues can't exactly be dealt with until I can put some actual time into being there.

So here's chapter 15. Yes it's short and I did make a conscious decision to make it this short. Let me know if there's anything that doesn't make sense and I will try to explain it a bit more but I wi warn you that if the question goes a bit to close to Meredith then I may not be able to answer because I'm currently transferring her story. There are official two versions of it and I will be posting the one that's been edited and revised probably a million times in the last 8 years.

Alpha Of The Silver Pack (BOYXBOY)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz