In Sickness and in Health

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Drama: Falling Into Your Smile
Sickie: K
Caretaker: Cat

Cat p.o.v
I lay on the couch, pretending to be asleep. K had come downstairs a few minutes earlier. He sat down at his computer, without even glancing at me once. After a few minutes he began live streaming. I quietly watched my boyfriend from the couch. I wanted to talk to him, but my own pride stopped me from doing so. I refused to admit that I was wrong, so I instead sat and watched him. I noticed that he looked pale, like more so than usual. Rather than his skin having its usual porcelain look, it seemed more pasty. I continued to watch him. Not too obviously though. I didn't want him to see it as a weakness, but I couldn't help feeling a bit worried when he turned his chair away from the camera and stifled two sneezes. I began wondering if my boyfriend was sick, but then again he was usually a fairly sneezy person, so it's possible he was just sneezing. A few minutes later he stood up, he kept the live stream going, but he went to the living room area, taking a few tissues out of the box on the table by the couch. He quietly blew his nose, looking a bit fed up. He looked up and noticed me looking at him. I quickly looked away. I didn't want him to think I was putting that much thought into him. After all, we're fighting, I can't be worried about him. K continued playing for about 20 more minutes. I noticed as the longer he went the more worn down his voice sounded. After finishing the live stream he turned off his computer, and without even looking at me, went upstairs to our room. I followed him with my eyes, looking back down at my phone.

K p.o.v
I woke up sick, and nothing was worse than being sick when I was fighting with Cat. Whenever I get sick, Cat is the sweetest boyfriend ever. Not caring if he gets sick, he cuddles with me, taking care of me. But, because we're fighting I woke up alone, not having the usual warmth of Cat against me. Yeah, sometimes I didn't let him in my bed, but when I didn't feel good, I actually liked it. And sometimes he didn't want to cuddle, but he always would when I was sick. Whether he wants to or not. So when I woke up with a headache, cough and runny nose I regretted choosing this game to be difficult. I had gone downstairs, using the excuse that I needed to Livestream, needing to get more hours, but in reality I had heard from Yao that Cat was downstairs, and I wanted to see him. Secretly hoping that he would see me feeling sick and take pity on me and take care of me. During the livestream I felt the need to sneeze, I quickly spun around in my chair so I wasn't facing the camera. "Hnptchh- hhngtch-" I shook my head, trying to clear the feeling. I went back to playing, but as I did I noticed how much my nose was running, so after I finished the game I was in (I won) I went to blow my nose. After doing so, I noticed that Cat was looking at me. He looked away quickly when he noticed I was looking at him. But my heart clenched looking at his eyes, I felt bad for arguing with him. But I also refused to admit that I was wrong. After live streaming I went back to my room, secretly hoping Cat would follow. I was disappointed, but not too surprised that he didn't.
On the way up I ran into Yao, "hi K" she smiled at me, I tried to smile back, "are you alright?" She looked worried and her smile fell slightly, I nodded, "are you sick?" Damn, I didn't think I looked that bad "just a cold" she gave me a skeptical look, and placed her hand on my forehead, "well, I don't know about that, you have a fever"
"I'm fine" I insisted, not really wanting sympathy from anyone, except Cat. "Does Cat know you're sick?" Dang it Yao, why do you have to be such a girl "no, but I don't really care" I lied, she gave me a knowing look, "well, go lay down, you look dead on your feet"  I nodded, as I walked back to my room I heard Yao say feel better.

Yao p.o.v
Two things I got out of my conversation with K.
1. He was sick
2. He wants Cat.
So, I went downstairs to where I knew Cat was. He sat alone on the couch scrolling through his phone. "Cat" he looked up at me, "K is sick"
"I know" he looked back down at his phone. "Aren't you going to take care of him? He's your boyfriend"
"We're not talking right now" I rolled my eyes, children, I live with children "and.. your point is? He's sick, and he wants you" he looked up at me, "he wants me?" I nodded, I mean, sure K didn't actually say he wanted Cat, but I know that he does. Cat stood up, "are you sure" I nodded, praying this wouldn't blow up in my face. He gave me one more skeptical look before slowly going upstairs

Cat p.o.v
I almost laughed at the fact that I was knocking on my own bedroom door. I heard a stuffy sounding 'come in' I gently pushed the door open, he was sitting up in bed on his phone. His bright pink nose stood out against his pale skin. A few crumpled up used tissues were scattered over his bed. "Cat? What are you doing here?" His voice was raspy and congested, "Yao said you wanted me"

K p.o.v
I knew Yao was up to something, but I didn't expect her to straight up tell Cat I wanted him. Not that I was complaining, I really felt like shit. "Oh, yeah. I just-" I sighed, "I don't feel good" I admitted, the moment I admitted weakness was the moment he knew I was sorry.
I pushed him away when I felt the need to sneeze again, "hhgtchh-hhngtcchh nngtchh" I took a few tissues from the box that Cat held out to me, "geez K you're sneezy" he exclaimed, "that happens when people are sick" I halfway rolled my eyes, he smiled, "have you taken anything yet?" I shook my head, "medicine is a social construct" he rolled his eyes at me "What the fuck K" I laughed, coughing a little bit. He shook his head, "I'll be back" he left, a few minutes he returned with medicine in his hand, "I don't-"
"It's not a choice," he said, looking uncharacteristically stern. I nodded, "okay" I took the medicine attempting to not gag or cringe as I swallowed the pill. "you're such a baby sometimes" he looked at me, "what do you mean?"
"You've swallowed bigger stuff than that and didn't gag" I choked on nothing as he said that and began coughing, he laughed, I glared at him. He kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry for fighting" he said, his lips moving against my skin as he spoke. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him to lay down next to me. "I'm sorry too."
"I don't like fighting with you" he spoke, I smiled and gently kissed the tip of his nose, "me neither" I curled up against him, "I'm tired" he held me tightly, "get some sleep babe"

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