sick cuddles

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Drama: 2gether
Sickie: Type
Caretaker: Man

Man p.o.v
I rolled over in bed with a loud groan, reached over Type and smacked at the blaring alarm. It was very rare for Type to sleep through his alarm, he's usually up so fast that most mornings I don't even hear it. Once the obnoxious beeping ceased, I gently shook my boyfriend, attempting to awaken the older. He simply groaned softly, and pushed me away. "Type, you're alarm, it went off. You have to get up" he let out a sigh, and sat up in bed. "Good morning darling" I said, he nodded. "G'mrnin" he voice was muffled from his hands, rubbing over his face.
"You alright? You never sleep through your alarm"
"I guess I'm just tired" he said simply. I didn't believe that, because he's always tired because that idiot (affectionate) doesn't ever take care of himself.

Type p.o.v
While I appreciated that Man cared enough to wake me up so I wouldn't be late to work. I almost smacked him when he shook me. while he wasn't being mean or careless, with how bad my head was hurting, it felt like he had shaken up my whole brain.
Man seemed to notice that something was off. I told him I was just tired, I knew we probably didn't believe me, I'm often tired, and that doesn't make me sleep through my alarm. I knew Man has a very caring personality and he would definitely be concerned if he knew I was sick.
I finally forced myself to sit up in bed, my head was pounding, my throat was scratchy and felt like I ate rocks, my nose was running like a faucet, I was cold, the chill that had settled into my skin, seemed to sink deeper and settle in my bones.

That whole day at work was miserable, I was cold, dizzy, my head ached and my body protested my every move. Plus, throughout the day, my runny nose got continuously more itchy, and around lunch time I had started sneezing. And found it quite difficult to not sneeze. One of my coworkers who worked closest to me had seemed to notice that I was a bit under the weather. The young female worker came over and set a box of tissues, and a cup of water on the corner of my desk. I thanked her softly, with the little voice I had left. She smiled softly and nodded.
I hoped to avoid using the tissues, but that lasted all of 6 minutes. I fell into another fit of sneezes. I took a small handful of the tissues, which were far more effective than my sleeves. Which had been abused by the constant need to tend to my nose. On top of just feeling like shit, I was also extremely tired, and ended up dozing off during my lunch break. Startling awake when the bell signified it was time to head back to work. I noticed a missed call from Man, and instantly I felt guilty.

Man p.o.v
The whole day I felt distracted. I felt like something was off with Type that morning, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My suspicion that something was off only grew when I called him in my lunch break, which overlapped with his, and he didn't even answer. The only time he had ever not called me during lunch was when he had a super important meeting. And I knew he didn't have one, because if he did, he would have told me.
I didn't even realize how much I was spacing out until I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder.
I looked up suddenly, and saw Tine looking at me strangely. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. why?"
"Because I called your name like five times and you didn't even bat an eye"
"Oh.. yeah, I was just thinking"
"About what?"
"Type" he raised his eyebrow, "Why? Did something happen between you two? You look a bit upset"
"No, he's just acting strange."
"He's always strange"
"Even more so than usual, this morning he slept through his alarm for the first time… I think since I've known him. And he didn't answer when I called him at lunch. And we always talk at lunch"
"Sounds like he's sick"
"Yeah, he's always acted super weird when he's sick, he gets super tired, which would explain sleeping through the alarm. And when he gets a fever, he has a hard time thinking/focusing, which would explain the not calling during lunch" I thought for a few seconds about what Time said. "How do you even take care of a sick person?"
"Just act kinda motherly" I nodded, makes sense, and sounds easy enough. "Also, Type gets super clingy when he gets a fever, so be aware of that" I nodded, that's something I could get used to.

Type p.o.v
It felt like the longest day of my life, it seemed to never end. So when 6pm finally hit and I could go home. And back to my boyfriend. I took the bus home, I hadn't driven that morning because I felt so tired I didn't trust myself to drive. But now I was kind of regretting that decision, because it had gotten to the point of just wanting to be home. I almost called Man, but came to my senses and ultimately decided against it.
I was excited to finally get home. I pushed the door open, and tossed my bag to the couch and my phone was dumped on the table. This was a very rare thing for me. I was usually lecturing Man not to do the exact same thing. But I could quite bring myself to care. Feeling absolutely exhausted and sick.
"Type? Darling is that you?" I heard Man call from the kitchen. I cringed at how loud his voice sounded. "Yeah" I called back, with what voice I had left.

Man p.o.v
I grew concerned hearing how rough Type's voice had become, he sounded like he had eaten glass and then drank lava. I went to the living room, where Type had collapsed on the couch. His skin was a shocking pale. His nose stood out bright pink against it, and his eyes had a sickly gloss over them. "Type? Are you okay baby?" I didn't expect it, "yeah" he cleared his throat. "Just a long day" he sniffled immediately after. His glossy eyes went crosseyed for a moment, "hEttSHu-HhtshU HetShHu" he kept his hands over his right hand over his face. I noticed a blush visible over his hands, and he reached into his pocket with his left hand and pulled a couple tissues out. He used them to clean off his face, and blow his nose. "You sure you're alright babe?" He nodded, but almost instantly his body betrayed him, throwing him to a harsh fit of coughing. Each cough sounded painful, and I could feel it, while my hand was placed on the older's back, which had coated in a feverish sweat. I gently rubbed his back, while the painful sounding coughs racked his body. When he finally was able to catch his breath, I sat down on the couch next to him. "Still insisting it was 'just a long day'?"
Type blushed at the comment. "Okay, I'm sick. Happy now?"
"I'm not happy that you're sick, but I'm happy you admit it… have you taken any medicine?" He shook his head, but cringed after. "Headache?" He nodded, and cringed again. "Maybe you should stop moving your head" he gave me a disgusted look. "Really, I hadn't thought ab-hh-hEtchu-uttcHUh- about that" the hand that I had set on his back, I pulled back. Suddenly thinking he might want to be left alone. "Sorry love, didn't mean to bother you" he shook his head, cringing a bit, but less this time, "didn't bother me" his voice was raspy, and he gave a soft cough afterwards. "I j-" he coughed again, then cleared his throat. "Excuse me, it's just, I'm not used to someone watching out for me while I'm sick" he coughed again right after. I kissed his forehead. "Don't worry Type. It'll be okay. Why don't you go lay down in bed, I'll bring you medicine. I read something online that said you shouldn't take medicine on an empty stomach, so let me bring you something. How hungry are you?" He shrugged. "Hon, I know you don't feel good, but I need a bit more than that"
"Only kinda hungry"
"Alright, I'll bring something small. I read somewhere that tea helps with colds and stuff like that. What kind of tea do you like?"
"I don't really like tea," he said softly and shyly. "Are you sure? What about just drinking hot water with honey?" He shrugged, and nodded. "Alrighty, go lay down in bed. I'll bring you some warm water and a quick snack, and some Tylenol. Anything else?"
"I could hear you baby, can you say that again"
"Cuddles?" He said, quietly, as if he was nervous to ask. I smiled at the older man, and kissed his forehead "of course baby" he went up to our room and laid down. I quickly gathered what Type needed, and went upstairs, he was sitting up in bed, his face tucked into his elbow, "hehHTchhu ttchhUu hhHttCchUh" he coughed after, "that cough doesn't sound good"
"Doesn't feel good either" he sniffled after, clearing his throat. I handed him a few tissues, he blew his nose, coughing as he did so. I handed him the warm water with honey, and the flu medicine, "take this, and go to sleep, we can cuddle" he smiled, and took the medicine. Afterwards, he cuddled into my chest, "you're so buff" he gently squeezed my arm, I blushed, "and you're sick so go to sleep" he smiled, nuzzling his nose against my neck, I kissed his forehead, "I love you" he muttered softly. I blushed, no matter how long we are together, I still get flustered when he says the L word. "I love you too"

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