my medicine

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Drama: love by chance
Sickie: Ae
Caretaker: Pete

Pete p.o.v

"Where is he? I've called him, I've texted him, where is he? This is not like him. Usually if he's only 3 seconds late he'll still tell me. " I rant to Pond, who's just standing there, looking irritated "Pete, Ae is fine, he probably is just being a lazy ass and won't get out of bed again"

I pull out my phone. 'I'll just call him one more time" I say to Pond who just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
C'mon pick up, I think as the phone continues to ring, but then on the fourth ring he answered.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer, I was asleep."
"Are you alright? You don't sound too good"
"I'm ok, I have a bit of a cold, I'll be ready in a few minutes"
"Alright, I love you"
"Love you too"
*hangs up*

"You know, Ae never gets sick and when does he gets REALLY sick"
"Wait, for real?"
"Yeah, he's probably like really miserable but he wants to be all tough for you, so he's gonna say he's not sick, or something"
"Should I go check on him?"
"I don't care, that's up to you, meanwhile, ChaAim is waiting for me, so you do what you want" he says running of to find her.

After thinking for a few moments I decided to just check on him, if Pond was wrong, I'd get to bike to school with Ae, if Pond was right, I'd take care of my boyfriend.

Once arriving back at our place went up to our room, where I saw Ae, curled up in our bed, the blankets pulled almost fully over his head, a little bit of his messy un-geled hair poking out, he looked so innocent and adorable.
"Ae, baby, are you awake?" He jumped at the sound if my voice,
"Pete, what are you doing here?"
"Pond said that when you get sick you get really sick, and I wanted to make sure you're ok"
"I'm alright"
"Then why'd you go back to bed?"
"Um.... Ok, maybe I'm a bit sicker than I said I was" he admitted shyly. I shake my head at my stubborn boyfriend. I lean river and kiss his forehead, a sort of sneaky way to check for a fever. And sure enough I felt heat radiating from where my lips touched.
"Ae, I think you have a fe-"
"Extchu- Heh-hextchu-extshu-"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm just not feeling too good" he admitted shyly, his voice getting softer near the end. "I'll be right back"
"Where are you going" he whines grabbing my arm as I tried to leave. "I'm going to make you food"
"I'm not hungry, I just want to cu-" he cut himself off coughing. I gently stroked his hair and sit down on the bed next to him.
"I'm sorry you don't feel well"
"I feel better just because you're here, you're my medicine"
"Gosh Ae you're so cheesy"
"Only because I love you"

he said, playfully winking at me. I rolled my eyes. "I think your fever is making you delirious." I kissed his forehead again. "Ae, let's get you some food." I said moving to stand up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to bed. Where he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't go baby"
"But Ae-"
"No, I want to sleep"
"You can sleep, but-"
"No, I want cuddles" he whined and then sneezed a couple of times. I tried to contain my disgust when I felt the spray over my face and neck. "But Ae, you'll get better faster if you take medicine. So just let me get some medicine for you."
"No" I could help but smile at how cute and cuddly he got when he's sick. He cuddle into my arms, and I held him tightly. "alright, I'll stay" I kissed his forehead. "You know, you're gonna get sick" he said coughing afterwards. "I'll be okay honey. I have a good immune system"

Asian drama sickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora