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Y'all I'm sorry if this sucks idk anything about this show.
This was a request

Sickie: Sooho
Caretaker: Banryu

I awoke to the sound of voices. It surprised me I woke up so easily as I'm usually a heavy sleeper. I opened my eyes and saw Banryu staring at me. "Why the hell are you watching me sleep?"
"You're sick" Banryu explained, I was confused, "I mean you're sick. I was summoned this morning upon hearing you're running a fever" he explained, he moved off the chair and onto the bed. "How long have you felt sick?" He seemed to be avoiding my eyes. "I'm not sure. I kept sneezing yesterday but I thought it was allergies"
"do you have allergies?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. He stared at me. I glanced away, "not that I know of, but you never know" I sniffled, "could have developed some" he laughed slightly and shook his head. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking almost as if he cared. "Tired, my head hurts, and my-hhhtchhu-ehhtchu-htchhu- sorry, nose itches"
"you should stay here and rest" he said, sounding legitimately serious, I gave him a strange look, "I do not rest"
"at least get some sort of medical examination. What if you're very sick? It could lead to death!!!" Banryu exclaimed, looking terrified that I would drop dead from a cold. "Banryu, I'm not that Ill. I simply just have a stuffy nose" I turned away from him and sneezed again, he looked concerned, "are you quite sure?" I nodded, "if it makes you feel better I will go to the doctor" he nodded, I sighed, not really wanting to get up, feeling achy and tired with fever.

I finally agreed to go to the doctor, Banryu followed me. The doctor told me exactly what I expected, "It seems to me like he has a bad cold or a minor case of the flu. He needs to rest is the most important thing. If his fever gets much higher I will want him here, but for now he should return home and rest."
I began heading towards home and was shocked that Banryu followed me, "what are you doing?"
"you're sick! You shouldn't be alone"
"I will be alright" he shook his head. "Don't worry, I will stay with you"
"do you know how to take care of a sick person?" I asked before coughing. He shook his head, "I will do my best" I smiled, "alright. You can come" I got back home and went to rest, "do you need anything?"
"not right now. I just want to rest" "okay" he sat next to my bed. "..."
"just in case you wake up and need something" I half laughed, "alright then" I fell asleep quickly, feeling very nice relaxing into the bed.
I woke up later, and noticed how dry my throat was from breathing through my mouth due to my stuffed nose. "You're awake' I startled at the voice, suddenly remembering Banryu had come to stay. "Yes" I sniffled, "can I get you anything?" I shook my head, swallowing hard against my sore, dry throat. "Are you sure?" I nodded, too stubborn to ask, "hhtcChhu- eh- hhh- hh-ktchUH" he handed me a cloth handkerchief, "thank you" I blew my nose and coughed into the handkerchief. He stood up, "I'll be back in one moment" I nodded, and was surprised when he came back with a small cup filled with water, "I thought you might need this" I thanked him and took the cup drinking it quickly. He smiled, "thought so" I half glared at him, he reached over and pressed his hand to my forehead, "you don't seem to have much of a fever anymore" I nodded, "that explains why I'm feeling better" he smiled, "continue to rest so you can return to full health quickly" I nodded and smiled. "I hope to" I smoothed the blankets, "do you wish for me to stay?"
"I'll probably just go back to sleep, so it's alright if you wish to leave, I'll not be good company"  he smiled and stood up, "feel better Sooho"
"Thank you"

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