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A/N: hi! Enjoy reading and don't forget to vote and leaving feedback!<3

Warnings: mentioned divorce between Steve's parents, not Joseph Rogers friendly he's a dick in this one, mentioned previous Rumlow x Reader, alcohol

For the next few days Steve couldn't stop thinking about what happened between you two. You put your beautiful lips on him and it made him crazy. Since then he couldn't stop thinking or talking about it. So once again Bucky was listening to his rambling. "Have you texted her after that?", Bucky asked, sipping at his coffee, watching as Steve nodded and sighed. "Yeah, I did. Yesterday, and she said we should forget about what happened-or at least not talk about it. And that it won't happen again", Steve looked down at his phone, feeling how his chest tightened for a moment.
He still didn't know why you did it, but he definitely enjoyed it. It just confused him. A lot.
"Steve maybe...maybe you should try to move on?", Bucky said softer than usual and Steve definitely felt his throat tighten. He didn't want to let go. At least just for the next few weeks. If you still wouldn't want him after his birthday, then he'd stop pinning after you. Only a few weeks and then he'll hopefully be your boyfriend. "Let's go, break ends in a few minutes and we shouldn't be late for biology", he said, pulling Bucky with him.
After school he drove home, also dropping Bucky off since they lived only a few minutes from each other. "Hi mom", he greeted his mom in the kitchen, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled softly at her son, always greeting her the same way. It was really sweet. She was incredibly happy to have a son like him. "How was school?", it's the usual question, followed by the usual answer about how boring it was.
He helped her prepare something to eat, before sitting together down at the table. Just the two of them, but it was better that day after the messy divorce his parents had. "What do you want to do for your birthday? It's only two weeks", Steve didn't need to think about it too long, already planning something. "I'd like dinner-just you, me and...Y/N", he said smiling, his cheeks blushing slightly. "Isn't this your tutor your father found for you?" Steve nodded, swallowing hard, knowing this could be a slightly uncomfortable conversation.

"Yes, Dad asked to help me a few months ago. She's really good at explaining but she's also a great friend. I really like her-maybe we could invite her, you could meet her-", he started rambling, as he felt blush creeping onto his cheeks, painting him scarlet. "Not that we're a couple or anything-it's just that-" "you like that girl?", his mother asked.
He didn't know it was possible to blush even harder, but he managed.
"She-she's very nice. And really pretty...and also really smart-like, really smart. I think she's doing her master's in mathematics? Or-or, well at least something with math", while he explained, Sarah put her fork down and leaned a bit back in her seat. "How old is she? You didn't mention that she's in college before...and master, then she's probably around 23?" His moms guessing made him wince slightly, since she didn't sound very pleased with that. "She's...25, turning 26 this year-but age isn't the point-" "Steve she's 8 years older, how does that not matter? You know I want you to be happy, but why would you choose a woman that's nearly a decade older than you? Are you sure she's having good intentions-" "Mom, we're really not together. She said the same thing-that she's too old"

His mother nodded, picking up her fork again and continued eating for a moment. "If you want to invite her I don't mind, but I think your father will want to join us, so you should also tell him she'd be here", Steve nodded at Sarah's words, his lips twitching to a smile.

A few days later he was once again at his fathers place, waiting in his room till you arrived. "Hello Steve", you greet him entering the room. Smiling Steve stepped closer to you, pulling you in a hug. It surprised you pretty much, but your arms wrapped around him automatically and you could feel how he put more weight on you. "Where did this come from, Steve?" You laughed against his chest, brushing your hands over his back. He sighed into your hair.
Slowly he let go of you, looking down at you with an uneasy expression. "Is it about last week? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me", you said quietly, but Steve shook his head, even though it definitely was about last week. "It's not like I mind-definitely enjoyed it, you know?", he grinned, while his face turned the usual rosy shade. Somehow even you couldn't stop yourself from grinning. This boy was creeping into your heart and you couldn't even stop him from doing so.

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