Chapter 2: Bela Dimitrescu

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(As the morning sun rises upon House Dimitrescu everything was quiet and not a single sound was heard the sun shined brightly casting it's blinding light through the windows)

Joshua:(As I was still asleep I felt myself being rocked gently back an forth and once I opened my eyes I saw Bela in front of me)Oh uh good morning Bela

Bela: Good morning darling, I hope you had a good night sleep I hope it wasn't to rough for you especially with the condition your in

Joshua: I slept somewhat ok though it wasn't easy to move around it was uncomfortable to say the least

Bela: Well at least you got some sleep right

Joshua: Right

Bela: Well then I will go and let mother know your up, I will be right back(Swarms off into the dining hall where her mother and sisters are)mother I have good news

Lady Dimitrescu: Ah Bela there you are my daughter(Sips her wine)is our guest awake now

Bela: Yes mother he is awake

Lady Dimitrescu: Excellent I will be there shortly, in the mean time take this plate of food I had the maids whipped up for him please(Bela nods her head and takes the plate of food up to the guest room)

Joshua:(A knock on the door was heard)Who is it?

Bela: It's me dear I have breakfast for you(Spoke in a Muffled voice)

Joshua: Come in(Bela comes in with food in hand)

Bela: Here you go sweetie, scrambled eggs with bacon and waffles

Joshua: It smells delightful

Bela: Good, oh and I have orange juice for you to drink freshly squeezed from our vineyards

Joshua: Thank you Bela

Bela: You are most welcomed little one, I spoke with mother she'll be here shortly to speak with you, in the mean time I can help feed you if you'd like cause I'd imagine it must be painful trying to eat on your own with the way your body is right now

Joshua: I can only use one arm that's pretty much it(Sighs)this is embarrassing I'm sorry if i'm a burden to you

Bela: Don't think like that sweetie your not a burden to me, I'm perfectly fine doing this after all you get to see the softer side of me and hopefully Daniela and Cassandra. Me an my sisters don't exactly open up immediately to outsiders, specifically ones that want to wish us harm since we kill and eat people since it's in our nature but for you I've already grown to like you already even though we just met yesterday, and I still felt bad that Cassandra was being extremely rude to you the other night she planned to have fun with you if you didn't wake up and not in the fun way you'd think so I had to talk some sense into her cause she literally does this every time someone new enters our home and I have to keep her in line cause she always get scolded by mother when she tries to hurt people that we allow in this castle, men aren't really tolerated here but you were the exception even though she hated the idea but she did it anyway

Joshua: It's ok Bela and good news is Cassandra apologized to me she felt deeply sorry for the way she acted towards me, she made me feel better

Bela: I am glad to know that she did cause last night I bumped into her and she told me that she made amends with you and I'm happy to hear it

Joshua: I am to and I told her that it'll take some time to get used to you and your family

Bela: Everything will be fine, you'll grow accustomed to our home in no time plus maybe one day when your injuries are fully healed we can show you around the castle

Joshua: I would like that very much(Bela smiled at me)

Bela: Splendid, now then let me finish feeding you an then I'll take the plate to the kitchen for the maids to clean and then I'll be back to help you and in the mean time get some rest my mother will be here momentarily to speak with you

Joshua: Ok

(Time skip)

(As Joshua finished eating his breakfast Bela took the plate to the kitchen for the maids to clean meanwhile Lady Dimitrescu went upstairs towards the guest room)

Joshua:(Another knock at the door was heard)Who is it

Lady Dimitrescu:(Comes in)Hello dear it's nice to see your finally awake

Joshua: Oh um h-hello

Lady Dimitrescu:(Scoffs)where are my manners...I am Lady Dimitrescu but you will address me as m'lady or ma'am understood(Spoke in a stern yet soft voice)

Joshua: Yes ma'am

Lady Dimitrescu: Good, now then what is your name

Joshua: I'm Joshua m'lady

Lady Dimitrescu: A pleasure to meet you young man, if you don't mind me asking would you be dear enough to tell me what happened to you

Joshua: I...I can't remember ugh my head hurts to much to remember, all I know is I woke up here and there was 3 women surrounding me and I was terrified I thought they were gonna kill me but Bela reassured me that she and her sisters wouldn't do anything to hurt me

Lady Dimitrescu: Ah I see that you met my daughters

Joshua: Their your daughters?

Lady Dimitrescu: Yes they are and I assume you met Bela the oldest of the two

Joshua: I did and she was very kind to me

Lady Dimitrescu: That's good, Bela is mostly the serious one out of the two and always yearns for my praise but it would seem that she can be such a softie towards people that she grows to like

Joshua: Yes m'lady she was very nice to me she took a liking to me instantly which is nice 

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