Thanksgiving Dinner

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(A few years have passed since life in the village has gone back to normal everything and everyone continued living their happy and wonderous lives and so was Bela and her husband along with her daughter Melanie who was now 10 yrs old, but Bela was pregnant again at the time and had a baby boy named James and over the years he has gotten older and he was now 6 yrs old, both Bela an Joshua were both happy as their kids were growing and getting older an older each year...but today was a family thanksgiving dinner as the two are inviting everyone for tonight's gathering)

(As the morning sun rises upon the village back at Joshua an Bela's home the sun's morning rays shone casting it's glow upon the windows lighting the whole house up and thus this caused Joshua to wake up an as he woke up he see's his beautiful wife's face and glowing yellow eyes)

Joshua: Good morning Bela

Bela: Good morning baby(Smiles)you know what today is don't you

Joshua: The Thanksgiving family gathering

Bela: Mhm.. It'll be great to see everyone again(Smiles)It's been far to long

Joshua: Indeed it has(I smiled)and after tonight's dinner there'll be festivities 

Bela: Ooh that'll be exciting(Smiles)tonight will be so much fun

Joshua: We should probably get ready an start putting up decorations an start getting food an stuff prepared for tonight

Bela: Good idea, should we 
wake our kids up

Joshua: Eh let them sleep a little while longer.. we can do the decorations an food just me an you

Bela: Ok honey.. lets do it(Smiles)

(The two get dressed and leave the room and as they go downstairs they begin setting up Thanksgiving decorations, and as they do a knock at the door was heard Bela goes an opens the door and to her surprise it was her sisters Daniela an Cassandra)

Bela: Well I'll be.. hi sisters.. so good to see you both.. what're ya'll doing here

Cassandra: Good to see you to sis.. me an Daniela figure we stop by an say hello an everything, it's been awhile

Daniela: Yeah it has, and we also wanted to see what you an Joshua are up to

Bela: We're just getting the Thanksgiving decorations ready for tonight's dinner.. we're going to invite everyone here

Cassandra: Ooh that sounds fun.. may we come in.. we don't mind helping you an Joshua out with the decorations an the food

Bela: Come in.. come in.. Joshua's in the living room right now

(Cass and Dani step inside)

Cassandra: Your home looks cozy every time we come here

Bela: Thank you.. me an my husband want to make it cozy as possible(Smiles)

(As the three enter the living room Joshua looks an sees the other two daughters)

Joshua: Well I'll be damned.. Cassandra and Daniela.. how've you two been

Cassandra:( We're doing quite well(Smiles)It's good to see you again

Daniela: Likewise.. we missed you a lot as well brother

Joshua: What brings you two here

Cassandra: Figured we come over an see how you an Bela were doing and she mentioned that you two are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner tonight

Joshua: That we are

Cassandra: And since me an Dani are here we can hangout and help you both with the decorations an help prepare the food for tonight

Joshua: You two are a lifesaver

Bela: Agreed... well then lets get going shall we(Smiles)

(Time Skip)

(As Bela's sisters helped finishing up the decorations they began making an preparing the food for tonight's dinner... after a few hours everything was prepared an ready.. and by the time everything was set the 4 heard doors from upstairs close and the sound of footsteps coming down it was James and Melanie.. the two kids lit up as they saw Cassandra and Daniela the two ran towards Bela's sisters hugging them)

Cassandra: There you two are.. so good to see you little ones(Smiles)

Melanie: It's good to see you Cassie(Smiles)

James: Same to you Daniela(Smiles)

Daniela: Likewise indeed(Smiles)

Melanie: What are you two doing here

Bela: These two helped your father an I finish setting up decorations and getting the food prepared an ready for tonight's Thanksgiving dinner, the other lords'll be here tonight, except for one who we will not mention... but any who let's not let this bother us.. lets have a bit of fun before it's time

(Everyone else agreed and went outside an play together in the snow)

(Time Skip)

(As time went on it was now 5 in the afternoon, everyone was exhausted from the fun and went back inside to relax and catch up on things... as the day continued on it was getting closer an closer to everyone arriving for tonight's dinner.. everyone got properly dressed for tonight and as they did a knock at the door can be heard)

Bela: Huh.. I wonder who could be here?(Opens the door an gasps with excitement)mother!, auntie Miranda, uncle Sal, Donna and Angie.. so good to see you all I didn't expect you all to come together

Alcina: Well.. I figured I'd call everyone so that way we could all get here together

Miranda: Indeed.. and I think I can say for all of us, I'm glad that Karl isn't coming.. he would surely ruin this family gathering

Alcina: I agree.. but lets not let these negative thoughts ruin this night

Bela: Agreed mother.. now come.. everyone's in the living room

(As the other lords entered the house.. Bela leads'em to the living room where Joshua, Melanie and James along with Cassandra and Daniela were waiting, everyone greeted each other and hung out catching up on things...after about an hour it was dinner time)

Bela: Everyone it's time to say the blessing.. babe would you do the honors

Joshua: I'd be delighted to.. everyone lets bow our heads ok

(Everyone bows their head)

Joshua: We are gathered here today to celebrate everyone coming here together as one.. and as we eat this delicious food that's been prepared for us.. it will provide nourishment and purify our bodies.. and may we grow stronger as a family.. in the name we pray.. Amen

(Everyone says amen)

Bela: And now that that's over with.. let us eat shall we.. ladies go first then the men

(All the ladies began getting their plates, silverware and pick out what food an drinks they want to eat.. after that it was the men's everyone gathered their food an drinks they all sit in the dining room eating together as a big family...after about an hour everyone goes outside and enjoys the festivities...sometime later the festivities were over and everyone goes to their separate homes meanwhile Bela an Joshua clean up the dishes an then goes to bed not before tucking the little ones in.. after that the two parents change into their night clothes an go to sleep but not without exchanging a few words)

Bela: Tonight was a lot of fun babe.. I'm so glad we got to see everyone again.. in all my years I never celebrated a holiday before.. this was spectacular.. I can't wait to celebrate more(Smiles)

Joshua: Neither can I m'lady.. I'm glad I was able to make this holiday happen for you

Bela: I'm grateful to have met you all those years ago when you arrived at our home.. I never imagined that I would fall in love with the most handsome human in the entire world.. how did I get so lucky

Joshua: Maybe it was destiny that brought us together

Bela:(Chuckles)I believe it was to.. and before we go to bed can I have a kiss

Joshua: As you wish(I smiled)

(The two share a tender an passionate long kiss before going to bed... after having their kiss the two drift off to sleep)

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