Special ending

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(Few years have passed since Joshua and Bela Dimitrescu have been married, the village was thriving with life once more, no more lycans or anything like that, Joshua and his beloved Bela built a life together and a house of their own near the village, everything was going well for them and they were happy as can be as they have a little girl named Melanie, meanwhile Bela's sisters have been enjoying the outside more being able to do more then they could ever dream of while their mother Alcina has been investing in her wine business and was making good profits out of it to and has been donating money to the villagers making their lives easier as well which the people of the village weren't expecting as Alcina was very intimidating and was to not be messed with but with a change of heart thanks to the man who did everything to make her and everyone's lives better, the people were no longer afraid and didn't have to hide, and during the years the other lords have also been living their best life as well)

(As the morning sun rose upon Joshua and Bela's house the two woke up meeting each others gaze)

Bela: Good morning honey(Smiles as she was on top of him)did you sleep well

Joshua: I did, what about you

Bela: Mhm yes I did(Passionately kisses him)let me get dressed an I'll go make us some breakfast ok

Joshua: Ok

Bela: What would my loving husband like?

Joshua: Hmm how about blueberry pancakes n bacon and maybe some coffee to drink

Bela: Let me get dressed and I'll get it started ok but before that(She kisses him an then hops of him and puts on her black lace long nightgown as she exits the room she checks up on her daughter Melanie who was still sleeping once she approaches the door she enters the room and tries to wake up her daughter)wake up my little angel

Melanie:(Groans)Just ten more minutes

Bela:(Chuckles softly)alright sweetheart(Closes the door)

(As Bela exits her daughters room she goes into the kitchen to get breakfast started as her husband gets a shower, as Bela is in the kitchen working on breakfast she hears the door bell and goes to see who it is and to her surprise it was her sisters)

Bela:(Opens the door)Hello sisters so good to see you both again

Cassandra: It's good to see you sis

Daniela: I missed you Bela(Hugs her sister)

Bela: I missed you both as well, what brings you two here

Cassandra: Just figured we stop by it's been a good while

Bela: Where is mother?

Daniela: She's currently busy with her whine business, it's been booming and she's been making lots an lots of money and donating half of it to the villagers making their lives a lot easier and people have been opening bars an things like that to make their own money, it's been doing well 

Bela: Well that's nice of mother to do that

Cassandra: It certainly is(Smiles)

Bela: Would ya'll like to come in, I have breakfast going right now

Cassandra: We'd be delighted to(She an Dani enter the house)

Daniela: Nice place you two have here, speaking of which where is Joshua anyway

Bela: He's upstairs getting a shower right now he'll be down in a few minutes

Cassandra: I see, well I'm glad you two are having a good life together

Bela: I'm very happy to be with the man who made it possible, if it weren't for him everything would still be the same but now that the village has changed everyone is thriving in this place again

Cassandra: Indeed and to be quite honest it's nice to see civilization here once more

Bela: Your not thinking of torturing people are you

Cassandra: I still am but it's only scumbags, thieves and robbers that's pretty much it, but I've also been doing more paintings and making more crafts to

Bela: I see, and I'm glad your not harming maidens anymore

Cassandra: That's all water under the bridge with them I only feed on people that prey on the weak or think they can break into homes

Bela: That's good and I'm glad your doing more paintings and crafts

Cassandra: Mhm my skills have been improving since then

Bela: I'm happy for you, and what about you Dani

Daniela: I've been getting out more and trying to make new friends and getting to know them but Joshua will always be my number one friend

Bela: I'm so glad to hear that your not staying in the library all the time now

Daniela: It's a nice change of pace

Bela: I'm happy to hear that sister(Smiles)

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