Chapter 13: Abilities

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(After having his special night with the dimitrescu daughters, today Joshua will begin to explore his new life and will discover the hidden abilities and transformations he will have since the cadou parasite has been implanted within him, but he won't be doing it alone as the daughters will help him with this new gift he has been given by Mother Miranda)

(As the morning sun casts it's blinding light upon the castle not peep nor sound was heard, in the room Joshua and the daughters slept together peacefully after the intimacy they had)

Joshua:(As I began to wake up from the sun's blinding light I looked at the three daughters sleeping soundly upon me and as I begun to shift my body the daughters hazily woke up)oh um sorry if I disturbed your beauty sleep mlady's

Bela: It's quite alright love(Smiles)

Cassandra: I hope we made your night sweetheart(Daniela nods at her sisters words as she smiled as well)

Joshua: It was quite a night I won't forget, though today is a new day, I'm curious to see what abilities and what possible transformations I might've gotten

Bela: I'm curious as well, though doing it at the castle grounds it would be to enclosed so since auntie Miranda gave us those special vials for us courtesy of you, we'll be able to venture out into the woods to test out your newfound abilities and transformations

Cassandra: Ooh this'll be exciting as me and Daniela are also curious about what the cadou has given you(Smiles)

Daniela: Yeah I wonder what it'll give you, ooh maybe you'll have the same thing as us but cooler

Bela: I guess we'll have to wait an see I suppose, but don't worry we will help you out(Smiles)

(The door opens as Alcina enters)

Lady Dimitrescu: Good morning you four

(Good morning mother the three spoke in unison)

Joshua: Good morning Alcina, heh my apologies I'm not used to calling you mother or used to hear you call me your son(I spoke in a nervous tone)

Lady Dimitrescu:(Chuckles)It's quite alright dear, you'll get used to it, nothing to be ashamed of, speaking of which breakfast is already prepared for all of you, head downstairs when you can

(Yes mother the three spoke in unison)

Joshua: Yes Alcina

(As Alcina leaves the 4 get dressed an head downstairs once there they began to eat)

(Time skip)

(As the 4 finished eating, they were about to head outside but was stopped by Alcina)

Lady Dimitrescu: And where do you think all of you are going?

Bela: We're going outside to test out Joshua's new abilities

Cassandra: Yeah, we are curious to see what he can do since he has the cadou parasite in him

Lady Dimitrescu: I see well you 4 stay safe out there, I don't want any of you to get hurt

Bela: Don't worry mother we'll be fine(Smiles as her mother leaves as she and her sisters headed outside)

(As the 4 entered the woods they were finally relieved from being in the castle all those years)

Daniela:(Sighs)It feels so good to finally be out of the castle(Inhales the nice cool air)

Cassandra: I couldn't agree more with you Daniela, twas only then we could come out during spring but thanks to Joshua's efforts we no longer have to wait to come outside(Sighs)this is amazing(Smiles)

Bela: I agree with you Cass, and Joshua, thanks again for doing this for us honey you have no idea how happy we are

Joshua: Believe me I know and I'm happy to have given you three freedom from the cold

Cassandra: Thank you dear, now lets focus on what you can do, I'm just itching with curiosity right now, so what should we do first

Bela: Hmm how about we use our sickles on him

Cassandra: Bela, we don't want to hurt him on purpose

Bela: Don't worry Cass, we're just going to see what happens, now Joshua hold out your arms and close your eyes

Joshua: U-um o-ok( I closed my eyes and held out my arms

Daniela: Sister I don't like this idea, I don't wanna do this to him

Cassandra: Neither do I

Bela: Trust me sisters it'll be fine now get your sickles out an get ready on my mark(Cassandra and Daniela nod but were still nervous)are you ready honey

Joshua: Y-yes(I spoke nervously)

Bela: 3...2...1...go(The daughters began slicing at Joshua's chest but their hits seem to bounce off as his skin turned into a black hardened layer of skin)what the hell?

Joshua:(I opened my eyes as the daughters had their jaws opened)what is it?

Cassandra: Your...your body it's like your body turned into a black hardened layer of skin protecting you, our hits bounced off of you, but can it react to this(Cass attacks with her sickle but was soon caught in Joshua's hands and the metal was snapped in half like it was nothing)what the actual fuck m-my sickle y-you snapped it in half!

Joshua: H-holy shit this is awesome

Bela: It's like your body can quickly react to anything physical or non physical like nothing can penetrate you

Cassandra: Ok well how about this(Has the child father's gun in her hands)

Daniela: What the, Cass where did you get that!

Cassandra: I took it off the man that we killed

Bela: Do you even know how to use that

Cassandra: Sort of, but lets just see if Joshua's body can react to this(Aims and fires the pistol but the bullet bounces off an hits a tree)ok well it would appear Joshua here is fucking invincible, how about we try out his other abilities

Joshua: And what do you have in mind?

Cassandra: Let us test your senses, the three of us are going to swarm off and you will have to find us, if you detect us before we can detect you, you win but do not worry we won't go to far ok

Joshua: Ok

(As the daughters hid in the woods, Joshua began searching for them and as he does he hears giggling nearby meaning one of them was near)

Joshua:(As I got closer I scared the hell out of Daniela)BOO!

Daniela: Ahhhh, what the hell, you gave me a heart attack dear

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