Chapter 15: Gathering/Proposal

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(Few month's have gone by since Joshua an Bela have been dating and today is a gathering where all the lords meet at Lady D's castle for a feast but not only that, today is also a special day where Joshua will propose to Bela Dimitrescu the eldest daughter of Alcina)

(As the morning sun rises upon House Dimitrescu all was quiet and not a sound was heard)

Joshua:(As I woke up I was I met by Bela's beautiful golden eyes)Good morning my queen

Bela: Good morning my sweet, did you sleep well

Joshua: I did...did you?

Bela: I most certainly did(Smiles)

Joshua: You know what today is don't you(I spoke with a smile)

Bela: I do, all the other lords are gathering here tonight for the feast, and why are you smiling like that honey?

Joshua: You'll find out during the feast, it's a surprise and I don't want to spoil it for you

Bela: You are literally just full of surprises aren't you(Smiles)

Joshua: That I am(I smiled back)

(As the two cuddled an snuggled each other a knock at the door was heard)

Joshua: Come in

Cassandra: Hello love birds, hope you two slept well

Bela: We did sister

Cassandra: Glad to hear that(Smiles)oh and I also came in to tell you that mother wants us to make sure that the maids have done all their chores for today before tonight's feast

Bela:(Sighs)Alright fine

Cassandra: But before all that she also wanted me to inform you both it's past breakfast time you both overslept

Joshua: Ah shit what time is it

Cassandra: It's a quarter to 11 so you two better hurry up an eat

Bela: We'll be down in a minute

Cassandra: Alright then see you two in a bit(Leaves closing the door behind her)

Joshua: Well I guess we should get dressed an head down

Bela: Agreed but before we go(Grabs Joshua's face and kisses him passionately)now we can get dressed an head down

(As Joshua and Bela get dressed they head downstairs towards the dining hall, once they got there they ate their breakfast and as they do they were met by Alcina)

Lady Dimitrescu: Well look who decided to wake up(She chuckles)

Bela: I'm sorry if we over slept mother

Joshua: Yeah we're sorry

Lady Dimitrescu: No need to apologize you two it's quite alright just don't forget to make sure that the maids have done their tasks for today, tonight's feast is very important

Bela: Yes mother I'll get right on it after I'm done eating(Alcina leaves the two as she heads back towards her chambers)

(Small Time Skip)

(As the two finished eating their breakfast Bela asks if Joshua would like to help her an her sisters with the maids)

Bela: Hey honey would you like to help me an my sisters with the maids to make it go faster I don't want to be stuck doing this by myself cause it will take to long and I don't want the feast to be ruined(Spoke in a panicking voice as she didn't want to disappoint her mother)

Joshua:(I hug to calm her down)Relax babe, of course I'll help you an your sisters out with the maids

Bela:(Sighs)Thank you baby your the best(Hugs back)

Joshua: Anything for you my mistress

Bela: Your so sweet my darling(Pecks her lover on the lips)

(As the two finished eating both Joshua and Bela headed towards the opera hall where a maid was in charge of cleaning and mopping)

Amelia: Ah hello lady Bela and hello good sir I was just about to finish up here

Bela: Have you made sure that everything was nice and clean for tonight, cause if I  find a spot missed you know what happens don't you

Amelia: Yes ma'am but I can assure you you won't find a single spot missed I made sure of that

Bela: Good, and what else did my mother assign you?

Amelia: She wanted me to replenish the firewood for tonight

Bela: I see, and do you have fresh firewood

Amelia: No ma'am

Bela: Better go get some quickly, I don't want my patience or my good mood to wear thin

Amelia: I'll be back as quick as possible

Bela: Good and while your doing that, me and my boyfriend here are going to check on the others

(As the maid leaves, the two went to the wine room)

Cecilia: Hello lady Bela, and hello sir

Bela: Hello Cecilia

Cecilia: What brings you two here

Bela: Just checking on how the whine room restock is going

Cecilia: It's going quite well I'm almost finished here

Bela: Good, just make sure that you don't drop any

Cecilia: Wouldn't dream of disappointing the lady of the house

Bela: Good, and what else has my mother assigned you

Cecilia: Oh just doing this m'lady once I'm done here I'm relieved of my duties for today

Bela: I see, well carry on

(Joshua and Bela leave an head towards the kitchen)

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