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(As the night continued on the castle was very quiet as everyone was sleeping including Joshua and Bela, though during the night Joshua had a nightmare and it wasn't a pleasant one either)

Joshua:(As I woke up I noticed I was in the same room with Bela but when I looked around she wasn't there which was very odd)Bela?(I whispered but I didn't hear a response I got out of bed and began to search for her)

(As Joshua searched the castle he hears buzzing and is greeted by Cassandra but the Cassandra he knew was not the same)

Cassandra: Well, well well what do we have here

Joshua: Cassandra thank god am I glad to see you

Cassandra: How do you even know my name

Joshua: What? Cassandra it's me Joshua your brother don't you remember me

Cassandra: Our brother(Snickers)why would we have a brother, your just another little man thing to kill(Walks towards the man)

Joshua: Cassandra stop it your scaring me(I began to panic)

Cassandra: Ah good, the more scared you are the thicker the blood, I'll give you a 5 second head start, 5...

Joshua: Cassandra no, stop it right now!

Cassandra: 4...

Joshua: Cassandra please!

Cassandra: 3...

Joshua: Snap out of it goddamnit!

Cassandra: 2...

Joshua: Fuck!(I ran for my life)

Cassandra:1...Times up here I come hahahahahahahaha(Laughs maniacally)

(As Joshua desperately runs for his life, Cassandra was not far behind as she was faster then him she almost managed to get him with her sickle but misses)

Cassandra: Better run little man I'm right behind you blood is pumping!

Joshua:(I enter one of the rooms and hid under the bed)please don't find me please don't find me(I mouth to myself as Cass entered the room looking for me)

Cassandra: Come out, come out little man thing, I promise I won't hurt you(Chuckles darkly as she knew she was fuckin lying)I know your in here(Sniffs the air but doesn't catch the scent she gets annoyed and leaves the room looking somewhere else)

Joshua:(As the coast is clear and which I hope it was I left the area and went to the library hoping Daniela might recognize me)I hope Dani remembers me I don't know what has gotten into Cassandra(I spoke to myself)

(As Joshua made his way towards the library and enters he hears buzzing and of course it was Daniela)

Daniela: So you've finally came to see me, everyone falls for me in time

Joshua: Daniela it's me Joshua, look I need your help

Daniela: And why should I help you man thing, I don't even know who you are or how you got in here but if you play with me I'll let you live in the mean time hehehe, and maybe you can give me some of your blood cause I get thirsty understand

Joshua: Fuck, not you to

Daniela: But since your here I get to have you all to myself(Giggles)now let's have some fun(Spoke seductively)

Joshua: D-Daniela no, get away from me!(I ran to one of the doors but it was locked)

Daniela: Poor man thing, no place to run(Laughs)

Joshua: Fuck!(I ran to another door an thankfully it was unlocked as I ran straight out of there and of course Daniela followed behind me but I was soon met with Cassandra)oh fuck me!

Cassandra: Rah!(Laughs)hello again little man looks like you met my younger sister Daniela(Chuckles)thank you for luring him back to me Dani

Daniela: No he's mine, I got him fair and square!

Cassandra: Nuh uh, he belongs to me cause I found him first!

Daniela: No, me!

Cassandra: This is my hunt not yours!

(The two sisters squabbled giving Joshua enough time to get away from his persuers)

Joshua:(As I left the two sisters, I made my way down towards the dungeon, and as soon as I got there, I heard the sound of clanging doors and of course it had to be my girlfriend Bela hopefully she would know who I am)

Bela: I can't believe my sisters caused all this mess!

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