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It is currently 11:47 pm y/n is huddled under her blankets waiting for the storm to pass. Mason knew she was scared of thunder so he decided to call just to check-in. y/n was startled by her phone buzzing on her nightstand. She slowly extended her arm and grabbed her phone and answered the call."Babe?" Mason asked " hi mase," she said with a shaky voice

 " hey are you okay" " no," she said with tears shedding down her pink cheeks. "Do you need me to come over?" he said, already reaching for his shoes. "Hmm" "I'll be over soon, okay? I love you " " love you too."

      Time skip

Within ten minutes mason was there knocking on her door. y/n was already waiting for him by the door, once she heard that knock she immediately jumped up to open the door. " hi" she said with a lopsided smile, jumping into his arms'' hi princess are you okay" he questions while returning the hug " I am now that you're here" she said while walking to the kitchen.

" I already have everything planned out" " planned out?" he repeated " yeah we're going to make hot chocolate, watch movies, play games, and of course cuddle," she said like it was the most obvious thing. Mason laughed to himself as he watched her get so excited about hanging out with him. " It does seem like you got it all planned out," he said with a smile.

 Time skip

As they lay in bed watching their last movie of the night 'The Goonies' Mason starts to hear soft snores on his shoulder. He looked down to see a sleepy y/n trying to stay awake to finish the movie. He decides to stop the movie to get comfortable " good night my love" "night mi amor" she mumbled  in his neck, he leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. 

Mason Thames one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now