The water fountain

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It was a busy day in January. A new semester had just started when Y/n found out that many kids in her building had gotten poisoned by the water fountain. y/n was worried and was wondering who poisoned the water, so she went to go talk to Mason about what had happened. They decided to talk to the school" Hey Penny," Oakley asked the lunch lady in a questioning manner. Y/n and Penny have formed a bond over the last few weeks. " hi dear, what could I do for you?" " We were wondering if you could tell us what happened yesterday evening?" of course, as I was getting ready to leave I saw a young man sneak in here and tamper with the fountain" penny stated " do you know what he looks like or what he was wearing" " yes, was wearing black pants and a navy blue Yankees sweatshirt, he had curly dark brown hair."

 " Thank you so much" "no problem." With that Y/n and Mason were off to talk to someone else. They finally stopped at the janitor's closet where he was waiting. " Hey Mr. Hopper, is it possible if we could get the keys to the science lab?" " Of course, here you go just make sure you bring them back" "okay thank you." Y/n and Mason made it to the science lab where they found their science teacher Mr. Showalter. " Hey, guys, what's up?" Mr. Showalter asked, " have you noticed any chemicals going missing, to be specific hydrochloric acid?" " That's a very specific question miss Arellano" 

" I know but we're just trying to find out who poisoned the water fountain," she said with hopefulness in her voice. " Well, in that case, I did notice some but it was in powder form" " that would do thank you, do you know when you realized it was gone?" she asked " yes it was about two days ago" " okay thank you so much, Mr. Showalter."

Y/n and Mason were currently in her dorm going over all the evidence they collected and what they could do from there. " So I was thinking we should go through the cameras and see if we can discover the person who was here last night, does that sound good?" Mason just nodded to what Y/n had said. She realized Mason has been acting weird but it might just be about the poisoned water. The next day they both went to go look at the cameras.

 " Hey, Mr. Yamada, I was wondering if we could look at the cameras." Mason asked their Security guard " okay just tell me why and when" he said while leaning on his desk " well we're trying to find out who poisoned the water fountain and when; it was two days ago." " Okay but make it quick. Let me know if you see anything okay?" Y/n nodded and started going through the tapes but before she could she was interrupted " hey Y/n I'm going to go to the bathroom" " okay I'll be here." Mason went to the bathroom and Y/n started to look at the tapes. 

Everything was going according to plan until she saw a familiar face. She quickly downloaded the recording onto a USB drive right when it finished uploading Mason walked into the room. " Hey did you find anything?" " no nothing but it's getting late I think we should call it a night" "okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Oakley started to walk to the 'bathroom' but instead, she went to talk to Mr. Yamada. " Miss Arellano, nice to see you again, did you find anything?" " Yes I did and you will not believe it. I saw Mason poisoning the water so I downloaded the tape and I'm going to look into it more." " Oh wow Miss Arellano that's crazy, what are you going to do about it now?" " I don't know"

Y/n is currently in her dorm pacing back and forth debating whether or not to go to the police station or not. You might think it's an obvious answer but she is conflicted. She doesn't want to accuse Mason but she knows she has to. Before she went to the station she went to the Dean's office. She went to go talk about Mason. "Mrs. Stagg?" she called out while knocking on her door "come in" 

" Hi Mrs. Stagg can we talk?" "Of course darling what's wrong" " I have some information about the water poisoning" she hesitated "okay, what can you tell me." " I went looking in the cameras and found out Mason was the one who poisoned the water." Y/n started tearing up tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. " hey it's okay don't cry we'll figure this out." Mrs. Stagg comforted " what are we going to do?" Y/n asked in a thick voice "we're going to go to the police and tell them what we know, okay?" "Okay."

Mrs. Stagg and Y/n made their way to the station. " Hi, is there anything we can help you with?" Officer Powell questioned " Yes there is, a few days ago there was a poisoning in our school" " yes we heard about that" " Okay and we are certain we know who it is." "Who?" "His name is Mason Blake." Y/n chimes in " okay thank you guys we just need you to take a statement and we'll go talk to him." The police made it to Mason's dorm and slowly knocked. " This is officer Powell, we're looking for Mason Blake, we need you out here!" they knocked again. " we need to talk," y/n said, trying to get him out. " If you don't come out, we're coming in" we waited a few more minutes " We're coming in!" The officers busted into his room to only find packs of hydrochloric acid and nothing else.

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