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"Hey Finney" "Hey y/n'' Finney kept walking closer to her and once he got right next to her he put his arm around her shoulder" Hi Finney," she said in a bashful tone "Hi y/n how are you" I'm good, you?" " I'm amazing now that I'm with you" he smiled "You're so cheesy" she giggled 

" I know" he pulled her closer and kissed her temple. As they continue walking they see a robin sitting on the curb "Hey Robin what's wrong?" "Nothing, just getting some fresh air" "Oh okay do you wanna hang out with us?" Finney side-eyed y/n on inviting Robin. 

I mean that is his best friend but he always felt a little jealous of Robin and Y/n. " Finney?" " yes" "Is it okay that Robin hangs out with us?" " Of course why wouldn't it be," he said, forcing a smile. Robin and y/n started walking, leaving Finn behind. They didn't mean for that to happen but it just did. Finney looked up and realized they were almost holding hands. 

Finney got jealous and walked up in between them and held y/n "Hi Finney what's wrong?" "What do you mean 'What's wrong' I can't just stand here watching you and Robin flirt all the time" "Wow Finn was not flirting" Robin states "Yes you are Robin stop trying to steal my girl!" " Finney! I don't like Robin I promise he's just my best friend" 

"Oh" "Yeah 'oh' Finn'm not trying to steal y/n" "Okay I'm sorry" "It's okay I get it your jealous" "I'm not jealous" " you're 'not jealous' okay Finn whatever" Robin laughed. They ended up back at Robin's house." hey guys I think I'm going to head home" 

"okay bye Robin " "Yeah bye robin" They both watched Robin walk away as they walked back to y/n's house. " I'm sorry for accusing you of flirting with robin" " its okay Finney I get it" " I love you" " I love you too finn" 

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time I've been on a vacation. Please give me some request.

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