2 | Scotty the second

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UNKNOWN NUMBER: u left ur lighter in my jacket pocket

January 10th 2013

Exactly one week ago, I accidentally left my lighter with the man to whom I had lent it. A pretty man by the name of Joby. He lived nearby, and I could have easily gone to pick it up just as easily as he could have dropped it off. Instead, though, I decided to give him a reason to come back; to return my lighter.

Joby and I had been texting throughout the week planning our next hangout. Part of me just wanted to invite him over, but I figured it'd probably be better for me to just get out more often. We settled on spending the day at the mall together, seeing as I got paid this Wednesday.

Joby would be driving by to pick me up.

Part of me wasn't sure if this was a date, or whether or not I'd be happy if it was. I'm not sure if I even mind. He's a good-looking guy, and from what I've seen, he's really sweet too.

I had spent the morning getting ready, hopping in the shower, and putting on some clothes that I deemed nice before I fought an internal battle on whether or not I should wear makeup. I settled in the middle; wearing only a little makeup should be fine for today.

[c/n] watched over me as I rushed back and forth, making sure I had everything before the knock on the door came. Soon though, it did.

When I pulled it open, Joby stood with a soft smile. I pulled him into a hug, internally cussing at myself for doing it. He smelled like cigarette smoke and nice cologne.

I stepped back from the hug, Joby looking down at me with an awkward smirk on his face. I took a second to look at him; noting his nice black button-up and the same jacket that he had lent me last Thursday. He was wearing the same black fingerless gloves, though they had clearly been washed, and a black pair of skinny jeans held up by a white double grommet belt.

"Hi, Joby! I like your outfit." I told him, triggering a wider smile.

"Uh, thanks. I like yours." He steps back, [c/n] eyeing him. I put on some boots before heading out and locking the door behind me, uttering a quick goodbye to my cat. "Alrightie..." He whispered, most likely talking to himself. He opened the car door for me, allowing me to step in before he got in on the other side himself.

It was a short drive to the mall, and he opened the door for me again, giving me a wink as he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the dirty-looking car.

"Which store do you want to go to first?" I asked him.

"That's up to you." The sad-eyed man told me, maintaining his soft smile. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Mmm... I heard a hot topic opened up in this mall."

"There's been one here for years, [y/n]." He corrects.

"Oh?" My eyebrows lift as I recall what one of my coworkers told me. "The person who told me might've been trying to hype me up or something then." I laughed at myself.

"You're new to this town?" He asks me. I nod. I can't remember if I told him that when I met him, but it doesn't matter right now.

"Why don't we check the pet shop? After that, we could get lunch and maybe check out Hot Topic?" I suggest, glancing over to him and looking into his pretty green eyes.

He replies, "sounds good to me."

We enter the pet shop, greeted by the bunnies that sat comfortably in one of the large cages by the door. I squat down to look at them, heart-melting, when one of them hopped over to-- what I assume to be-- attempt to get a closer look at me. Joby squatted down beside me, looking at them as the other rabbit slept.

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