7 | Oddly intimate.

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SMOKEY: ur asleep on me while i write this
SMOKEY: i just want u to know i am here 4 u
SMOKEY: whenever u need me

Minor content warning; mention of drugs, a little bit awkward.
I want to add that I'm really unsure about this chapter. I haven't slept yet. There is a chance I may rewrite this.

January 18th 2013

Joby and I had spent the entire day together, aside from his occasional smoke breaks outside. Scotty was confused as to who he wanted to follow around more, and [c/n] was now keeping her distance. She was watching over me while trying to keep away from Scotty, still nervous around the new animal.

Last night, I had closed the door. Joby told me that when he got there, [c/n] was sitting there, looking at the stairs across from the door to my room. It was almost as if she was waiting for him to come and help me. I also found faint claw marks in the door, though there weren't many. I knew [c/n] was worried about me.

It was getting close to dinner, and neither Joby nor I felt like cooking. I suggested we order in and get pizza, and Joby seemed pleased enough with that idea, so that is what we did. While we were waiting, Joby ran back over to his house and picked out a couple of movies that he wanted to show me. Earlier that day, he and I had also made a quick run to the grocery store and picked up some candy, soda, and popcorn, splitting the costs.

So that brings us to now. Both of us were sitting on the floor, still waiting for the pizza to come as we rifled through some of the movies he had brought over, plus some of my own that I was fond of. Joby wanted to watch at least one horror movie, and as a thank you for saving me, I would sit through it with him. Usually, when I watched horror movies, I ended up getting a little paranoid after, even if it doesn't scare me while I'm watching.

One movie for him, one for me, and one that neither of us has watched. While we were out, we picked out a movie that neither of us had seen. The movie he picked out from his collection was Cabin in the Woods. Also from his collection, I picked out Gulliver's Travels, and the movie we picked out that neither of us has ever seen is a movie called Kick-Ass. It's a story about some superhero.

DVDs stopped being popular a couple of years ago, but that didn't stop either of us from collecting them. It's kind of hard to throw away something that you've been expanding on for a few years.


"Mhm?" Joby's attention turned from the back of the DVD in his hand to my face, studying my expression in an attempt to get an idea of what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry for last night." I apologized, this was the first time I had brought up the event since this morning. "I know we haven't known each other that long, and I really shouldn't have done something so stupid. I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess." I told him. He stayed quiet, brows knitted together. His facial expression looked focused, and a moment of silence passed before I heard him speak.

"Well, I'm um... I'm glad you called me instead of someone else." He told me. He looked somewhat sympathetic, and he looked like he was trying to figure out what to say to me. "I understand why you called me. I'm not mad at you."

"I feel really embarrassed about what happened."

"It's okay." He says simply, setting the DVD in his hand down and looking back up at me again. "You were scared, it's okay."

"I don't understand why you're being so nice." I let my head tilt back, eyes fixating on the popcorned ceiling. I have known him for three weeks. I already felt so close to him, and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I usually get attached pretty quickly, but something about this felt different. Different in a way I don't know how to explain.

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