Getting Ready

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To keep up:
I will stand with my people and fight! No matter what happens, as long as ma Jake and my people make it out, everything will be okay.

Im sorry at this is a really short chapter, something happened yesterday and I'm only really thinking about that. But anyway, 1.4k READS?! WHAT GUYS, I AM SO HAPPY!!! You guys are amazing. I love you!!


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Jake Sully's POV)

The Na'vi and I start to other clans to have them help us fight the sky people. It's night now and we're talking to a new clan, the horse clan of the plains, the leader has a.. stick? In his nose. "We rode out the four winds." He's silent for a second, but then he shouts in Na'vi, his people finally suit.

The next morning we go to The Ikran people of the Eastern Sea. "Back to the Stars!" Y/N is translating for me, "For our children's children!" The leader of that clan also shouts in Na'vi, her people following. They get on their Ikrans and follow us, Y/N shouts. I'm happy to know that he's happy.

I land, and I watch as the two clans come, gathering by the soul tree. I feel proud for what I have done.

I get back into my human body, Trudy, Norm and I get on a videocall with Max. He explains, Jake, it's crazy here. It's full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber! They've got these huge pallets of mine explosives." I clench my jaw, I knew it was only going to get worse, "It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign." Trudy, holding her gun looks at the ground, but looks back up, "Fricking daisy cutters." I can tell she knows thats not good, as she should considering that she knows more about everything than we do. I lighten the strength of the clench of my jaw, I look back to Max and he continues, "Quaritch as taken over. He's rolling, and there's no stopping him." I look down, "When?" Max instantly replies, "0600 tomorrow." all of a sudden there's a woman calling for Max in the background and he shuts off his side of the call.

Norm turns off our screen, "We're screwed!" Trudy laughs and says "And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." She lays the gun onto her lap, looking defeated. I look outside and she says "We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows." I breath in, starting to get angry, "I have 15 clans out there." I look over to the other two, "That's over 2,000 warriors." Trudy and Norm look at me, letting me to continue, "Now, we know these mountains. We have explored them, flew through them, even you did, they haven't. They have no goddamn idea where they need to go, or any kind of hiding places to protect themselves." I take a deep breath, "All they have is guns and explosives. No knowledge about the place they are using those in."

"We have the home-field advantage. Doesn't matter how long they have tried to study here, all their little gadgets won't work out here. Missile tracking? Won't work. They'll have to fire line of sight. And I can tell you, there's not much you can see in those mountains and forests." Trudy thinks for a second, "You know for a fact he's going to target the Tree of Souls with the bomber right off the bat." I nod, "Yeah I know." Norm starts talking, "And if they get to the Tree of Souls and destroy it, its fucking over. Its how they contact Ewya, their ancestors. Not only will it destroy the forest more, but it will destroy the people as well." I stare at him for a second, thinking it through. I can't let the people be more destroyed anymore, I won't let Y/N get hurt more than he already is because of me. "Then I guess we'd better stop him." Trudy exhales softly.

Back in my Avatar body, I slowly walk to the Tree of Souls. I kneel near the base of it, put my hands on the closest branch and close my eyes before speaking, "I'm probably just talking to a tree right now," I sigh, "But if you are there," I bring my hair to one of the strings of the tree and attach it "I need to give you a heads-up. If Grace is with you, look into her memories." I pause and look up, "See the world we come from. There's no green there." I can feel myself get angry once more, but I bring it down to continue to speak, "They killed their Mother, and they're going to do the same here." I look back down at my hand that's holding my hair to the tree, "More Sky People are gonna come. They're gonna come like a rain that never stops. Unless we stop them" I can feel someone behind me back I just keep talking, "Look, you choose me for something. I will stand and fight. You know I will." I smile and whisper, "But I need a little help here."

Someone touches me on the shoulder, I look up and see that's Y/N. "Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake." I stand up and face him, "She protects only the balance of life." He moves his hand for it to rest on my cheek for second. I look away and his hand moves back off of my face, His hand still on my shoulder. I see some souls that are flying back up to the top of the tree, then I look back at Y/N sadly, "It was worth a try." Y/N moves his arms and his hands stop at my biceps, I do the same to him and bring out foreheads together, Before closing my eyes I see that he was gonna say something but decides against it, I close my closes and I sigh also hearing him sigh.

It's the next morning, and everyone gets on their Ikrans or Direhorses. Tsu'Tey on the left of me, I look over and he brings out his bow, nodding at me. Y/N on the right of me, I look over and he looks at me, he's hot has fuck with his war paint on. I look back in front of me, Im fucking ready baby. Let's do this.


Words: 1083

Im so sorry that this chapter is so fucking short! I mostly want the fighting to be in the next chapters to come. Also, after the first movie is done (theres 30 minutes left) Imma do some chapters of their life BEFORE the way of water! Honeslty, theres not much to say. OH! yeah also, Imma be posting a story called "Ancestors, Hear My Plea." Its a Mulan (Disney animation) with my Male OC later today if you are interested! My OC is Mulans younger twin brother named Ming!

Anyway, Ill be posting tomorrow since I do what to get out a longer chapter for you guys this weekend!

Have a great Morning/Afternoon/Night y'all!

Neytiri's Brother (A Jake Sully x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now