New Beginnings

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HEY! Finally Avatar:TWOW has finally been added onto Disney+! So I can finally update this story again with actual parts.

Hopefully, I'll go back to every other day posting because it's been awhile and I need to get more parts out for y'all. Also, school's over for now so I do have time just not the motivation for anything lmfao.

I really do hope you enjoy these next parts.

Edit: I wrote the first little bit on 6/07/23 and stopped writing lmfao- thank you to everyone being patient and waiting for my dumbass to write it.

Some new things to know:
The Na'vi speaking will be normal, "Hey",
Them talking in Na'vi will look like this: "Hey",
Any of the Human Soldiers in their Na'vi forms will look like this: "Hey"


(3rd personPOV)

"The forests of Pandora, hold many dangers" Jakes voice comes while we get a look at the beautiful forests of their home, Pandora. Before Jake speaks again, we see Y/N, along with Neytiri hunting. It seems that Y/N yet again pregnant with another child at the time as well. "Another thing about Pandora," Y/N locks onto an Animal and pulls back his bow, getting some discomfort, so he relaxes and gets back to his position.

"Is that you grow to love her too much." Jakes voice comes again while Y/N takes the shot.

It moves to a different scene where we see Y/N singing something in Navi while holding a necklace, "We sing the song cords to remember" Jake explains when his voice comes again, "Each bead, a story in our life." We cut back to when Neteyam was first born, "A bead for the birth of our son." The people are all standing side by side saying things in Navi while Jake holds the child and Y/N looks at his son and gasps in awe and happiness.

Jake holds up his son, "Neteyam!" And everyone responds back, "Neteyam."

"A bead for when we adopted our daughter, Kiri. Born of Graces avatar." The couple bend down closer to the floating avatar, "A daughter whose conception was a total mystery."

A bead for the first communion with Eywa. All the Navi people stand around the spirit tree, all singing in Navi. "People say we live in Eywa... and Eywa lives in us." The first time Neteyam gets connected to the tree, "The great mother hold all her children in her heart." The baby boy stares at his father in awe and smiles.

The family, now with another child. Are playing on a big hammock, Jake with a child in his hands and said child laughing while they play. The older siblings, Neteyam and Kiri, plays with Y/N as they chase him along the hammock.

They move to the water now playing there. At days end, they are laying down and Y/N is telling the children a story, "When I met your father... I was trying to kill him." All the children laugh, while Jake replies, "It was love at first sight." And he snuggles into Y/N neck, the other leaning his head onto his mates. "Before I knew it, we had four."

"Well, when we sent the sky people back to earth, some of them stayed. Science guys, loyal to the Na'vi." We see a tiny human running in the labs, "And then there was spider. He was just stuck here."

"Spider would always be with our kids. Spider was like the stray cat, he wasn't part of our family but he was always around." Jakes voice continues, "to Neytiri and Y/N though, he will forever be Alien, one of them."

We see Y/N and Jake looking at their kids, with spider, playing. Y/N has a vey clear look of disgust and anger on his face, "He belongs with his own kind." The male turns to his mate, Jake just continues to stare at his kids and human boy.

Lo'ak and Kiri seems to be fighting over something, Jake in the background. Both of the siblings telling the other they hate each other, Jake only joins in when Kiri calls Lo'ak "Penis Face"

"Hey! Hey! That's enough." Jake says, demanding. Y/N just looks on and laughs at his kids, glad to have them while he can. (God I'm making it sound like he's gon die LMFAO)

Jake and Neteyam are hunting and the boy arrows a fish. "It goes by to fast." Jakes voice says while they are measuring the height of the children. Next scene we see the family gathering up for a family photo (not gonna lie, the eyes in that photo kinda spooky-)

"Not often do we get to have a date night. Or, time away from he kids." They are laughing and flying, having the time of there lives.

Y/N and Jake are just laying down, Y/N head on Jakes chest asleep. Jake staring up at the sky, but then his eyes widen and he sits up, waking the sleeping man on his chest. Said man looks to what his mate is looking at sleepily. "A new star un the night, it can only mean one thing." Y/N's ears go down, as if he was scared, and he gasps at the 'star'. Both f them breathing heavily.

"Are those ships?" Y/N asks turning his head back to Jake. Jake doesn't respond for a moment, but once he does, there's anger and fear in his voice, "Yeah.. but why are they back?"

And with those first signs, the two knew their now safe and perfect lives are going to turn to shit in a heartbeat.


Words: 950

Omg- this chapter sucked I know. Like really sucked but I felt bad that I haven't gotten anything out and I know people are waiting, so I'm sorry about that.

I know I have asked this before but now I have some other fandoms I would like to make stories for:
The walking Dead (Daryl or Rick as the love interest)
Outerbanks (JJ or John. B)
Supernatural (Dean)
Teen wolf (this one is already published- but Derek)
My little pony (I have no idea who I'd want as the love interest)
Zombies (Zed or Wyatt)
Shameless (again no idea for love interest)

There's probably more but yeah- if you guys want to see any of those do tell!

Anyway, thank you so my for your patience and I promise I'll start writing more.

I love you guys


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