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Hi all, first of all thanks so much for the growth. I mainly wrote this book for myself as there were no Regie and Seb books and those two just keep settling in my heart. Special shoutout to my first two readers from the US and Canada, idek who you are but thank you for keeping me fuelled when I'm so tired.  Today's motivation is brought to you by Regie reaching to share his joy with the very excited Seb when they saw the news of their 25 state tour.  If you haven't please go watch the reel on Oliver Moy's Instagram, so sweet smh.

Two this one is rated 18+ and may require heavy revision later. Happy reading


He had no idea of what he was doing, if he was being honest. He was still a virgin after all dealing with as fate would have it, the biggest player in the field, Regie lover-boy Macallino himself. Yet his basic need would not let him back down until it was satisfied.

It was what pushed him to say what he did to Regie, who stopped dead midway to the door. He turned to face him,  his specially reserved mocking gaze adorned on his beautiful face. Not for the first time, Sebastian was struck by how stunningly beautiful Regie was, even as the object of his desires stalked towards him, dragging his feet across the heated tiles, to stand close.

"Seduce you was it? When exactly was it I did that?" Regie asked, his arms crossed, his face impassive.

For some odd reason, looking at Regie's unbothered face, just irritated Seb more. He was practically burning. He'd held it in for so long, literally since the first moment they had met and their eyes clashed. An instant awareness overcame him, going straight to pierce his heart in a strange way he could not have put into words, let alone the instant hunger that had him thinking of jumping over Oli and mating with a complete stranger. He had been so disgusted with himself, not for having such thoughts about a man because he'd never been bothered by labels but for how he was reacting for a clearly straight man. Even inexperienced, Sebastian knew a guy  harboring feelings for a straight man was a recipe for disaster. So he had said a cold hello and retreated to build his wall against his stunning new housemate.

For a long time, it had worked. The man was an enigma, both nonchalant and very easy going, he had drawn everyone in the house to his side. Seb knew that Regie had tried to be his friend, yet he had continuously maintained his wall of polite acquaintance until the other one had given up. That had not stopped him from dying of jealousy whenever he saw Regie and Oli getting closer day by day.  He had even made it a habit to not be downstairs at night because Oli and Regie would be all up in each other, cuddling. The situation was made worse when he, in a fit of rage, recorded himself calling them Olegie. For the life of him, he could not even remember what they were doing but it inadvertently made the Stars to start shipping Oli and Regie, ironically with the name he had coined himself. It irked him whenever he saw the comments filled with Olegie shippers, it irked him all the more whenever he had to hide behind shipping them. Yet, it had worked. On reflection Seb noticed that for the past months, he had been less vigilant about keeping his distance, driven by his jealous need to act so Oli and Regie could not get closer. He had initiated interests to renew their friendship, often joining the other at the gym, for games, for errands and even for studio sessions but key amongst this was assisting Regie with cooking. Both Regie and Darren loved cooking, but while Darren would only cook, Regie often cooked and cleaned up as a way of distressing. Seb could remember the day Regie was making them pasta, he had offered to help prep the ingredients and cleaned the dishes as they went. They had not really spoken much, maybe 50 words in total. The silence a calm background to their light touches, hand brushing as they exchanged ingredients, their bodies pressed close, Regie's hand brushing against his waist as he reached for a rag.  It had feel so intimate, like their own, something special just between them and Seb had stood there and decided he would repeat it. 

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