Kisses in the light

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The walk down the hill was tasking, a deadly silence had fallen upon them. JP clung to Oli, sympathetic to add to his weight when he was already carrying so much, but Oli seemed to need the comfort just as much as JP did, using his elbow to squeeze Justin's hand tighter to his.

He turned his head to check on the others, and smiled for a second when he saw Seb and Regie walking close to each other. At least a silver lining had come out of this shit for some of them.

"We're here, carefully check all the cars before we board." Oli said as they reached the parking. When the clear was given, everyone was almost tripping over themselves in their rush to get the hell out of that place. 

Despite his drowsiness he could not doze off, adrenaline and  the horror's of a few hours past, replaying dramatically in his head. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Kane still had a tight grasp of Darren's hands, who was already known to be the easiest the spoke in their group. They arrived home just as the sun broke through the sky, and a sense of relief flooded his nerves as he saw the red bricks of their house. 

"Thank fuck," Darren said, pulling toasty closer to himself and breathing hard, as they stepped out of the cars. When everyone was filed into the foyer, they all looked at each other, relief etched on their faces then automatically moved in for a group hug.

"We are ok guys. Thank God. Let's all get some rest then we can re-group later on ok?" Seb said and everyone nodded. 

On their way upstairs, Justin saw Angel go into Ty's room and thought maybe he'd gone to update him. When they were in their room, Oli gently sat him on the bed then knelt in front of him to speak to him, looking serious. 

"We're safe now love, don't cry anymore."

It took Justin aback, he hadn't even been aware he'd been crying but as with everything the moment he'd been made aware of it, his mind went all out to cry all the more. The adrenaline that left his body left him exhausted, combined with the realization that they all almost died, made him a wailing mess. Oli cursed softly pulling him into his arms, rubbing circles on his back. Justin took long mouthfuls of his scent, grateful for the walk down that had gotten them sweating, since it strengthened Oli's scent.

"Oh... I.. I'm sorry. I know you'd rather Regie were here with you. I think he's gone to bed but if you want me to call him..." Oli started saying.

"What?" JP asked, his voice small and raw even to his own ears and he spoke with his lips pressed against Oli's neck. 

Oli pulled back from him, his hands going to Justin's shoulder, his head low so his bangs were covering his eyes. 

"I know you've been stressing about this entire trip, and we went and it really did not go well, so you must wish to be with someone you like... so I'll go get Regie." he sounded and looked utterly miserable.

"Where," JP tried getting the words out of his tight throat, clogged up by both his fears and now confusion, "how did you get it into your head that that would be Regie?"

Oli's eyes snapped to his, in the morning light, they portrayed hope.

"Don't you like Regie?" he asked, a canine worrying his lip.

"Wherever did you get that?"

"Well the other afternoon..." he started then seemed to change his mind," and the other night with Darren... Justin?...Do you like Regie?" 

Justin stared at Oli and knew that a man really could be both the smartest and the dumbest , at the same time. He took a minute to calm down, this seemed really important to Oli. He wiped his tears away and blew into his tissue, then looked Oli straight into the eyes and softly said, "No...never."

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