The achy breaky heart.

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Justin was seating in the back of Oli's car, waiting for everyone to load up their camping gear. It was such a hot summer day and he wished he was heading anywhere else other than to this forest. A strange feeling of dread had gripped his whole being and it would not leave him in peace. He somehow felt that this trip would not be normal, a preemption of doom is what it felt like. Sighing he adjusted his position to get comfortable. 

I want Oli, he thought as he closed his eyes trying to summon their recent memories to mind.

"Seat up front with me." he heard Oli say.

 He chuckled a little, wondering if his thoughts had summoned the object of their desires. Oli was already belted in the drivers seat, and he was leaning on it as he peeking over the chair to speak to him. He looked so cute with his little cap and white shirt and smiling face. 

Nodding, Justin grabbed his neck pillow and blanket ready to move. 

"You're hair looks look great." Oli told him when he'd settled down. He felt a blush fill his face as he mumbled his thanks, even though he saw a similar shade tint Oli's face. 

Lately, since the last week when he'd had a break down over the entire Darren and Regie situation that ended with him sleeping with Oli, they'd gotten...close.

Oli was extra attentive to him, buying him food, takin care of him, giving him these compliments. Which to be fair he liked, but it hadn't stopped there. They were sleeping together now, for the past week, he'd practically moved into Oli's room which despite the availability of spaces, the two of them slept in the same bed. The day after the event, Justin had gone to his room to find a distraught Ryan who asked if they could be roomies instead and of course Justin could not have said no, no with all the shit that had gone down between Ryan and Darren. At least that's how he justified it to himself and to Oli later that night. 

"Can I sleep with you?" he'd asked trying not to be distracted by the rippling muscles on displayed from their owner's position as he lay propped up on one hand, with the sheets riding low on his hips ." Ryan and Darren are fighting and Ryan's using my room."

Oli had lifted one of his perfect brows, flipped to lie on his side, opened his arms and told him, "Sure, come here." and he'd all but bounced into those arms, feeling that contented safety feeling overcome him as Oli ran his hands over his hair. They kept waking up tangled in each others limbs, as though their subconscious wanted them to get closer.  By the time night, they had stopped downplaying their need to cuddle both in and out of bed. Oli kept touching him all the time, hugging him and randomly asking for cuddles even if Justin was in the middle of a game with Reggie. In fact thinking of it, he was more touchy when Justin had a game with Regie.

"Hey...hey...hey!" he heard Oli say pulling him out of his thoughts. As usual Kane and Darren were fighting again and Oli was trying to calm them down. Gosh. It had been unbearable to be in the NSB house this past week, it seemed that other than Oli and him everyone else was fighting. Darren was especially cranky, Ryan was quiet and withdrawn. Any conversations he was having were with Darren and they were not pleasant. Seb was chattier than usual which meant he was anxious about something, Regie was back to his usual nonchalant self, his eyes dark and his smile not having made an appearance once. Even Angel and Ty seemed to have been in a fight, neither making attempts to show they couldn't stand being in the same room.

"I don't understand how despite their being 3 cars, you two always end up sitting next to each other... I can't even think or take a nap." he told the boys in the back.

He heard them mumble something but refused to let them continue their bickering. He was so on edge and didn't have the energy for it.

"Shut up!" he yelled, running his hands through his hair to calm himself. 

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