To fall ...

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Apologies for the late update, I got quite ill this week, nothing serious but it required a lot of rest.

This chapter is dedicated to @Lilly12334455 who also binged and voted on all chapters. I truly feel grateful for the chance to interact with my readership which is steadily growing.

Another person I am so grateful for is the Ivy Walowe who has been so kind in advertising my book. Even though they don't know me, I truly am thankful for your aid.

Bdw the Boys finally dropped a mini album, please listen to it. I love panic.


If he was being honest with himself, Darren would have said the whole camping fiasco terrified him. He wanted to hide somewhere, preferably in Ryan's arms. However, the memory of their spat was still a fresh memory, giving him the strength for self preservation. 

He took his tongs and applied them to flipping the beef slices around. He'd been unable to fall asleep, his mind restless. He'd always been fearful and hated horror movies and all things spooky with a passion. How like him then to have had such a creepy experience on his first camping trip. He sighed as goosebumps filled his skin. He needed to get his mind off those things.

Focusing on his cooking, he saw the beef was ready and transferred it into the waiting bowl before adding minced garlic to the pan. He wanted to make a large batch of beef fried rice. Everyone liked it, but he also knew that it was Ryan's favorite comfort meal. Despite their horrible situation, he still could not let Ryan suffer were there something he could do to alleviate his suffering.  Fixating on Ryan his mind refused to allow him some peaceful moments. They needed to talk when they were both calm. Maybe a good conversation would calm everything. 

When he was done cooking and with some progress being made in his mind, he heaped the food into a hot pot and cleaned up. Deciding to unload his camping gear from the vehicle, he headed outside. Unfortunately for him, it seemed that Ryan too had the same idea in mind as he too stood removing his stuff from the car. Darren's eyes fell upon toasty, who Ryan was holding while giving a strange look.

"Give me that." 

Ryan's eyes flashed to him, filed with dislike. 'What if I don't?"

Darren sighed again, feeling a strange bone weariness. Like he was watching all these as part of a play.

"I'm really not in the mood Ryan. I'm already exhausted from the entire camp."

The other at least had the decency to look guilty but then he ruined it with his words.

"Is it from the camp or something else."

Darren blushed. It was true that half of his problem was tied with the sore skin on his back from when Ryan clawed at it, which stung when he lay down. He'd be damned if he would confess that to this jerk. When their eyes met again, Darren was so confused by why Ryan stared at him in anger.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, concern clouding his voice.

Instead of an answer, Ryan threw toasty on the ground. Darren was getting pissed, everyone knew he was sensitive about toasty. Choosing to ignore the prick, he bent down to get it.

"Of course now you'll ignore me."

He was pissed off now. Wtf was that supposed to mean. 

"What do you mean?" he asked still squatting on the floor, his head tilted to face Ryan.

The older boy's gaze burned into him, he bit his lip hard until it drew blood. His concern overwhelming him, Darren quickly rose and used his free hand to pull at Ryan's lips, his face close trying to find the source of the bleeding.

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